Is it just me or is there no escape from continually hearing about the Raiders?
I like to watch the local news but I just have to turn off when sport comes on because every day its the same thing- this Raider signed a contract, this Raider didnt, this Raider is injured, this Raider is returning from injury……………… get the picture.
Why is it that Win news has to include a story about the Raiders in every news broadcast? And ALL the radio stations are no better!
Is the Raiders appeal really that large?
Im a fella and I used to like footy but the preoccupation with Raiders in the local media is just unhealthy.
I understand that this is a one horse town but it really does smack of poor journalism when more or less the same story is wheeled out every day.
Im more interested in some diversity of sports being presented, however I realise that Im most likely in the minority as the average Aussie is a moron- come on, how else do you explain the popularity of Kylie Minogue, John Howard, SummerNats, Eddie Macguire, Hilltop Hoods, Kotchie (? spelling)……………………..
Why are the achievments of so many people in other fileds considered to be less worthy of attention that the focking Raiders!
Righto fire away meatheads- I’ll have ya- Im waiting for you outside in the carpark across from Mooseheads!