I refer to an article in the Canberra Times about the slums they refer to as public housing, located in some of the most prime real estate in Canberra.
The real estate these flats sit on could be sold off and developed, providing a budget windfall for the ACT government, providing hundreds if not thousands of construction jobs and flow on economic benefits for the rest of the taxpaying community. These flats are located along the gateway to Canberra, Northbourne Avenue and are one of the first things a visitor to Canberra sees.
What sort of impression are we giving visitors to our city but to see run down buildings which are a mecca for associated crime and low lifes.
I agree with providing welfare and social housing to those truly in need, but I just don’t believe it has to be on prime real estate like this. Katy & Co, Rather than raising our rates by astronomical amounts to pay for extra MLA leeches and white elephant trams that only service a small part of the community, look at how you can improve the image of the city, benefit everyone and make a huge amount of money doing so!