The ABC has a lengthy story (byline and subheads and all) on the withdrawal of the Tener family from the marathon litigation stemming from the 2003 bushfires.
Possibly of more interest is this bit:
The Tener family is now the fourth group of plaintiffs to pull out of proceedings within the last eight months, after the departure of QBE, Suncorp Metway and NRMA insurance.
There are now just over 100 plaintiffs remaining in the 2003 Canberra bushfire litigation.
The ABC understands that there are now more bushfires plaintiffs suing the NSW Government, than the ACT Government.
Due to the general craptacularness of the ACT’s courts and their general inability to conduct complex cases the case is not expected to return to court until April 2011. But the lawyers keep getting richer, and that’s what it’s all about.