Katy Gallagher has very usefully put up advice for those not filled by seasonal cheer over the next few days:
“If you are feeling unable to cope over Christmas and New Year talk to someone you trust about the way you are feeling. This can be a friend or family member, a doctor or health professional, teacher or minister. Alternatively, you can call a counselling service such as Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.
“Also, the Mental Health Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) provides a 24-hour, seven day a week service used for assessment and treatment of mentally ill people in crisis situations.”
“If you are having thoughts about suicide stay with a family member or friend until the feelings decrease. It’s also important to avoid drugs and alcohol which are depressants and can make you feel worse.
For 24 hour emergency assistance call the CATT Mental Health Triage Service on 1800 629 354 (24 hour service) or (02) 6205 1065.