Following yesterday’s campaign announcement from Chief Minister Gallagher, that she’ll roll out more nurse-led Walk-In Centres for Belconnen and Tuggeranong if we re-elect her in October, the Australian Nursing Federation is cheering.
The Australian Nursing Federation – ACT Branch (ACT ANF) welcomed ACT Labor’s commitment to expand the highly successful Nurse led Walk-in Centre to Belconnen and Tuggeranong. The ACT ANF considers the expansion of the Walk-in Centre (WiC) model throughout Canberra will mean a substantial increase in the availability of timely and free healthcare for the Canberra community.
ACT ANF Branch Secretary Ms Jenny Miragaya said today that “despite claims made by lobby groups such as the AMA, the independent evaluation of the Walk-in Centre highlighted the Canberra community’s high level of satisfaction with the service. The Walk-in Centre, which is staffed by a small group of highly-skilled Nurses, has made significant improvements to healthcare services and options available in the region.”
“The high rates of utilisation, short waiting times and consumers’ high levels of satisfaction with the advice and treatment they received reflect well on the Nurse-led WiC model and the skill and ability of the staff,” said Ms Miragaya.