My email box overfloweth with readers contributions of bad parking and traffic behaviour. Let’s take a looksie.
1. A reader who wishes to stay anonymous gave us this:
Evening of the 13/12/12, one driver put on a special show at UC
2. Jon gave us this approach to a pedestrian crossing:
On one of the first nice days in October, Zouki decided to pick the worst parking spot he could find in Weston Park – in the ‘No Stopping’ right in front of the crossing. Pity the poor little children crossing the road who couldn’t see the oncoming traffic. He could have parked somewhere less dangerous – like the ‘No Parking’ zone right behind him.

3. DeskMonkey had this classic of the form:
Only in Queanbeyan, from DeskMonkey

4. Owen returned us to the vexed issue of disability parking:
I will join the crowd and herewith submit my contribution to the parking behavior of some Canberra drivers.
Third level, Belconnen Mall. No disabled permit on display

5. Alison went there too:
Taken at coolie a few months back.
6. Stephen had this for us:
My wife snapped a photo of a lady mounting the medium strip in her 4WD this morning. What’s up with people in this town who think they can park anywhere, drive anywhere and in this case U Turn anywhere?

7. Dollie was deeply displeased by the RAMS car:
Thank you RAMS for selfishly double parking your car in an already overcrowded city car park!
Seen in the carpark opposite Mooseheads today.
8. Ross was just happy to have a stereotype confirmed:
Parking Kingston style
With white commodore
9. Tara was impressed with this effort:
At the Fyshwick Aust Post Business Center and yes the driver was a fully functioning tradesman.
Of note was the location of the trailer is just in front of three parallel kurbside parks….. all empty at the time
10. To make it a perfect 10 I took this one in Braddon on Wednesday night.

Have you got an image of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it in to .