September 26 see’s the return of a Metal-Fest to Canberra.
10bands, all HEAVY, all different.
Mudd Promotions Presents…..
Onslaught Of Sound!
Paindivision (Syd), Switchbalde (Syd), Our Last Enemy (Syd), The Vaine (Syd), Forgery (ACT), Northlane (Syd),
Stigmata (NSW), Reign Of Terror (ACT), Inside The Exterior (ACT), Blind Eyed Gods (NSW)
It’s not often enough a gig like this pops up in Canberra, something that we can change if people support it.
ANU Bar, September 26. Doors open at 3pm, first band is at 330. Tickets $20 at the door. Strictly 18+
[ED – Che] MetalFest 09 MySpace