27 August 2019

Over 200 parking tickets issued at GIO Stadium during Raiders match

| Lachlan Roberts
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Over 200 parking tickets were handed out during the Raiders clash with Manly on Sunday afternoon (25 August). File photo.

Over 200 footy fans have been hit with parking tickets during the Canberra Raiders loss at GIO Stadium on Sunday afternoon (25 August) with inspectors targeting vehicles parking on nature strips and the streets of Bruce.

An ACT Government spokesperson said due to the significant amount of illegal and unsafe parking observed at previous events across the ACT, Access Canberra issued 207 infringements around GIO Stadium on Sunday afternoon.

The spokesperson said parking inspectors targeted illegal parking in the surrounding streets of Bruce, with the majority of infringements issued to vehicles parked on nature strips around the stadium.

“Access Canberra is committed to ensuring the safety of all road users as well as the public,” the spokesperson said.

“Traffic and parking management is put in place at every game at GIO for the safety of all attendees. Access Canberra also attends all major sporting and community events in Canberra to ensure safe and compliant parking.”

Raiders fan Sean Rogers said finding the yellow envelope on his windscreen after the Green Machine’s disappointing loss left a bad taste in his mouth.

“I normally park where you have to pay $10 but it was chockers when I arrived at 3:30 pm so the traffic controllers directed me up to CIT,” Mr Rogers said.

“People were just parking wherever they could because there were cars everywhere.

“I went down a sidestreet on CIT campus and pulled up onto the gutter. There was a sign that said no parking there but I thought it was a Sunday afternoon at an empty CIT campus.

“Coming back to my car after the game, it looked like the parking inspectors had had a field day. There were cars with tickets everywhere. I could see the envelopes all the way up the street.”

Mr Rogers said he does not understand why restrictions on parking are not relaxed around GIO Stadium during the Raiders’ home games.

“They want people to go to the game but when the stadium has 20,000 people turning up, there is not enough parking for everyone to park legally,” he said. “It is not possible. It leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths because they want people to pay $35 for a ticket and then they turn around and do that.”

The ACT Government spokesperson said there are around 3,000 car parks available for public use at GIO Stadium with an early bird parking offer of $7 for attendees arriving within 45 minutes after gates open, with price upping to $10 after that time.

Up to 400 overflow parking spots are available at the University of Canberra, which is a 20-minute walk to/from GIO Stadium. Public transport buses also have some capacity to pick patrons up on College Street.

GIO Stadium issues the below information and advice about getting to and from the stadium for each game or event including:

  • to park legally as parking officers are active in the precinct during the event
  • overflow parking is available at the University of Canberra
  • carpool to help alleviate traffic congestion
  • catch a free bus directly to the game from major bus stations including Belconnen, Gungahlin, City, Woden, Tuggeranong and Queanbeyan.
  • GIO Stadium social media accounts where parking updates are also published in real-time to keep attendees informed as the carpark is reaching capacity.

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If a bus is beneath people’s dignity, why not use the CIT parking area? Why not park legally in the street, not on the nature strip, in nearby Kaleen, Lyneham, Lawson, Bruce or O’Connor? Why not carpool?

But there again, I think the ACT ‘gubment’ should provide subsidized sedan chairs and porters to carry the snowflakes the last few metres to and from the turnstiles. Especially the ones who have every entitlement to wreck everything we pay for so they don’t have to be ‘reasonable’.

Having parked as directed by the match authorised traffic controllers, along with hundreds of other good folk at GIO stadium last weekend, I returned to my vehicle mid-match to find a parking ticket on my windscreen and a large army of ACT Government parking inspectors feverishly writing tickets. I guess ACT Government is short on cash. Who better to milk cash from then unsuspecting football fans. When I approached the inspectors to ask why? all they could do is keep their head down (in shame) and keep writing tickets as fast a possible. For the Canberrans and footy fans on the receiving end of ACT Government’s grab for cash last weekend, I think a combined appeal is in order…

There are probably better ways to raise money for the new indoor stadium

Capital Retro2:14 pm 28 Aug 19

“ummm, so what’s the big deal? are parking restrictions lifted during footy games? “

They are at Manuka where another code is played and we pay one of the teams $700K each time they play. Free busses as well.

Blen_Carmichael9:01 am 28 Aug 19

I had a great evening. I didn’t drive there and I’m a Manly supporter!

Capital Retro5:05 pm 27 Aug 19

So, buses are available for weekend football and they are free? What a joke.

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