The YWCA of Canberra invites you to the upcoming forum Parenting aGender at 6.45pm on Tuesday 21 November 2006 at the Australian Catholic University, Watson.
Parenting aGender will focus on gender development, addressing issues such as the role of genetics and the impact of cultural influences such as advertising, childcare, and subtle pressures from parents’ own peer groups. The forum will also explore ways in which we can move beyond the stereotypes to a more diverse idea of gender which allows children to be who they are. The forum was initiated by parents interested in the impact that parents and carers can have on gender development.
We are pleased to present two fantastic guest speakers, author and columnist Dr Susan Maushart (Wife Work, Mask of Motherhood, The Weekend Australian column) and leading academic Professor Glenda MacNaughton, Director of the Centre for Innovation and Equity in Early Childhood at Melbourne University. Susan and Glenda will be joined by panelists drawn from the disciplines of psychology and gender studies as well as community advocacy for an entertaining and challenging evening.
The forum is free of charge. Registrations are essential and can be made by contacting the YWCA of Canberra on 02 6239 6878 or canberra@ywca‑ Further information can be obtained at or by contacting the YWCA of Canberra on the above telephone number.
Support for Parenting aGender is provided by the Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU School of Social Work, ACT Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services, GenderAgenda, Urbis Keys Young and WomenSpeak, as well as the YWCA of Canberra.