The Auditor-General has announced her performance audit into the ACT’s pay parking operations:
The ACT Government’s effectiveness, and especially efficiency, in the management and administration of its parking operations is restricted because of shortcomings in:
• supporting governance and administration arrangements;
• planning and maintenance of parking assets; and
• management of parking fee increases and infringements.
Some shortcomings can be addressed through initiatives that are currently underway, for example the full implementation of the 2012 Transport for Canberra Plan.
UPDATE: The Liberals Alistair Coe is going to town on this:
“The report demonstrates that the Government does not consider parking as an important issue for Canberrans.
“Rather than treating the provision of parking as a core business of a local Government, the ACT Government simply sees parking as a way to gouge Canberrans.
“The ACT Government needs to offer a better service for Canberrans who pay up to $135 in coins per fortnight to park,” concluded Mr Coe.