Territory And Municipal Services have started a public consultation on whether to build a 25 metre pool in Gungahlin or a proper 50 metre one.
There’s a page of concept plans.
Two public drop-in information sessions will be held at the Canberra Raiders Club (Cnr Gozzard and Hibberson Streets) in the Town Centre from 12 noon to 1.30 pm and from 6.30 pm to 8 pm on Wednesday 9 February 2011.
The concept plans will also be displayed at the Gungahlin Library, corner of Ernest Cavanagh Street and Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin.
Feedback on the preferred plans can be emailed to communityengagement@act.gov.au or mailed to Gungahlin Leisure Centre Options, GPO Box 158, Civic, ACT 2601.
UPDATE: Andrew Barr has put out a media release detailing all the cool things that might be lost if a bigger pool is selfishly pursued:
The study involved consultation with community and stakeholder groups and identified the future features of the Leisure Centre, which will be vitally important for meeting a wide range of sporting and recreational needs for the Gungahlin community, expected to reach a population of 50,000 by 2014.
As well as the main pool, the centre is proposed to include a 20-metre program pool, a gymnasium, flexible activity program rooms, childcare and a café.
The size of the main pool will have implications in the way the centre is designed and operates, how much it costs to build and run. It will also affect the way spaces can be used and activities programmed.
The Gungahlin Leisure Centre will be located on a 1.5 hectare site in a ‘wellness precinct’ along with Gungahlin College and the future Gungahlin Enclosed Oval.
The consultation ends on 2 March.