Summernats: the magnificent meeting of man, machine and mullets. Photo: James Coleman.
The Hoot is back for 2024 with surprising opinions in store as Genevieve Jacobs and David Murtagh dissect the week and chew the fat on the news.
The burnout echoes are growing fainter post Summernats after a relatively quiet carfest. That will be a relief for the many, many inner north locals who are heartily sick of the whole thing.
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But what of the undoubted and significant economic benefits for the city? Surely it’s time for a compromise? Mr Murtagh has an idea that might keep all but the hardiest hoons at home.
And as the Commonwealth takes on the supermarket giants, who is really to blame for ‘price gouging’? It’s not illegal, by the way, but as cost of living starts to bite harder, Coles and Woolies are in the firing line.
So, how much money is there in the supermarket game? And when consumers and producers are both complaining about being squeezed, what’s the solution in one of the world’s most concentrated supermarket sectors?
And finally, back to Summernats (because we couldn’t resist). Police made a splash across the media when they referred to morons who would be turned back at the ACT border if they had to submit to an IQ test before attending the event.
Karma, however, can be a tricky thing to manage. Who knew light rail vehicles could appear out of nowhere when you’re pursuing a ne’er-do-well driver on Northbourne?
The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.