Is the clock ticking on TikTok? Photo: Michelle Kroll.
The Hoot’s here for another week with its usual broad remit on news from Ngunnawal country.
This week we start on TikTok (actually, don’t start Ross Solly on TikTok, or any other social media for that matter. Self-confessed old man shouts at clouds).
The ACT Government is attempting to ban accessing the social media platform from government-owned devices.
There are any number of avid TikTokkers (is that a word?) in the Assembly, so how will they cope with the move to limit spy activity, presumably focussed on the inner workings of Canberra’s organs of government?
Ross reckons there’s little value in even trying to do so – and that the move is largely doomed to fail. Can you really prevent social media from infiltrating every corner of our lives?
The pandemic has all but disappeared, despite warnings that we’re in for another spate of infections this winter. But it looks like the after-effects are lingering for the hospitality industry in Canberra, where there’s been a wave of closures over the past month or two.
Pialligo Estate’s failure shocked many (particularly those planning their weddings on the premises), followed in quick succession by the multi-storied Zoo Bar. But the story’s not the same in Canberra’s suburbs, where many smaller businesses appear to be thriving.
So what’s going on in the ‘burbs? And what does the future look like for fine dining?
If you’re a true Canberran, there are rules in place. Don’t turn the heater on before Anzac Day. Don’t question Kingsley’s chips or the efficacy of zip ties on your helmet. And make up your mind about where you live.
You’re a northsider or a southsider, and there is no in-between. But it wasn’t always that way.
Back when there was a river between us instead of a lake, the very idea that you would flood a golf course beloved of senior Mandarins or risk creating mosquito havens or fog traps (whatever they are) was horrifying to many locals.
Local historian Marg Wade writes that Sir Robert Menzies had little time for this nonsense, and thanks to his sage judgment, we have a lake instead of a river to define the city’s identity.
The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.