DPP Shane Drumgold’s career has been ended by the Board of Inquiry report. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.
It’s time to unravel the news of the week on Ngunnawal country, and it’s been dark and in many cases disturbing. Chickens (and owls) are coming home to roost across the ACT as Ross Solly and Genevieve Jacobs dissect events in this week’s The Hoot podcast.
We’re starting with the latest, quite extraordinary twists to the Lehrmann matter. The Territory government has been sweating on the Board of Inquiry report into one of the highest-profile court cases of recent years.
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But who could have suspected that the report would be leaked to national media – not by mysterious insiders with an axe to grind, but by the man who headed the inquiry himself?
What on earth was Walter Sofronoff KC thinking?
It might also be the end times for lucrative constancy contracts in the public service. The revelations are flying thick and fast as behind-the-scenes deals with the Big Four, at enormous costs to the taxpayer, are revealed.
Apparently, though it takes a consultant to tell you how to get out of a consultancy.
And have you ever been mistaken for a shop assistant? More than one Region staff member has been mistaken for the bloke who knows where the shifting spanners are, but what happened when the noticeably un-sartorial Ross was bailed up in the shoe section?
The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.