Whilst walking along the path from Gowrie to Erindale on Thursday, I heard a cyclist exclaim something to the effect of, “Come to mumma”, as he grabbed my bag and pedaled his way into the sunset; alas, there was a witness– one equipped with a phone that captures video images!
The young man, coming from the same direction as the perpetrator, seemed to be working that camera-esque device in the general direction of the incident. I came to a dead stop to greet the would-be Samaritan, but what followed next was really just as bad as what preceded it: He reached my point and snapped seemingly every image of my form… as if I were the crim. I became even more stunned upon hearing him converse with a mate on the phone about how grand it was that he caught the whole thing on video and how he was putting it on Youtube (presumably so his friends could have a good laugh too), as he walked away ever so nonchalantly.
It’s a good thing that I was carrying nothing of significant value in that oversized bag; it was just there to hold my water bottle and to accommodate shop items. How disillusioning, nonetheless.