Free poker is taking off all over Australia, well almost all over – you can’t get a game in Canberra.
Many organisations run poker games as their business, the biggest being The Australian Poker League who have over 250,000 members throughout the country. These members can go to various pubs and clubs and play poker for free – well unless you are a member who lives in Canberra 🙁
Pubs and clubs throughout the country are attracting new customers on quiet nights – customers who go to play risk free poker in the hope of winning prizes and entries to bigger tournaments.
I guess the reason we can’t play here is some sort of arrangement with the casino? Surely having more people learning and enjoying the game increases their chance of attracting people to play on their tables??
Anyways, I would be interested to hear people’s thoughts – should we be allowed to play or should the ban remain?
N.B. – I am a member of the Australian Poker League, although I have never actually played a game with them – I have no interest in their business other than wanting to play the game.