The swimming pool is an iconic point of reference for the failure of water restrictions to fairly address the competing water requirements of the population.
Under the current iniquitous system people with a swimming pool can splash about, while other parents can’t choose to pay for some water to run the kids under a sprinkler.
Today the Canberra Times is worried that the 150 odd people in the swimming pool business are in danger of losing their jobs as no new pools can be built. The ABC has promises from ACTEW that they consulted in the finest traditions of the ACT Government.
That still leaves us with a situation of the very special sort of socialist privilege where those who already have pools get to keep them and fill them with dirt cheap water, but no-one else can use smaller amounts of water recreationally and can’t even choose to invest in the facility to do so (other than by buying a house with a pool, very handy that for existing pool owners).
And meanwhile businesses go bust and lives are ruined due to an administrative whim.
Great policy!