In reaction to the ACT Government’s proposed school closures, announced as part of the 2006/7 Budget, various groups of the Canberra community are organising their opposition. Community meetings are popping up around town.
Dickson College has one planned for Thursday June 22 at 7:30pm.
Hackett Preschool’s Parents’ Association has organised Angela Anderson from teh Department of Education and Training to come along on Tuesday June 20 at 7:30pm. Alison Inglis President of the Hackett Preschool Parent’s Association can be contacted before the meeting.
Perhaps in defiance Hackett Preschool also has registrations now opened for 2007 and will be holding their Garage Sale on Saturday June 24 from 10am.
Save Our Schools has created their own website which includes an online petition and a draft letter which can be sent to ministers.
One of the Government proposals of particular concern to myself is the merger of The Woden School, a special education school for years 5-10, with Alfred Deakin High School. Discussion around this will take place tommorow night (Tuesday June 20) at the Canberra College from 7pm-8:30pm. This meeting, which will also cover discussion of other proposed school changes in the area, is one of many organised by the ACT Government, ‘keen to know the views of the community’ on their rather Orwellian ‘Towards 2020: Renewing Our Schools’ plan.
All the Government organised meetings to cover discussion of schools in the (I assume) respective areas are from 7pm-8:30pm at the locations and dates below:
Gunghalin Monday 19 June Amaroo School
Woden Tuesday 20 June Canberra College (Woden Campus)
Weston Creek Wednesday 21 June Stromlo High School
North West Belconnen Monday 26 June Copland College
South East Belconnen Monday 27 June Canberra High School
South Canberra Wednesday 28 June Telopea Park School
Tuggeranong Thursday 29 June Caroline Chisholm High school
North Canberra Monday 3 July Campbell Primary School
Further meetings are promised with community groups, parent of students with a disability, school staff, business representatives and representatives of other groups that may be interested in or affected by the proposals.
More info available here.