Enrolments are now open to send your child to an ACT public school in 2024. Photo: File.
Have a child starting or changing public schools soon? From Wednesday, 26 April you can start applying to get the ball rolling for the 2024 school year.
ACT public school enrolments from preschool to Year 12 have now opened, including the new high school in East Gungahlin, which is open to residents from Kenny, Throsby and specific areas of Lyneham.
Those who live in Harrison, Franklin, Gungahlin, Mitchell, Watson, Downer, and parts of Ngunnawal and Forde can also apply to the new high school due to a one-way shared priority enrolment area (PEA) classification.
Residents in these suburbs have the choice of enrolling in their existing PEA high schools or the new high school in East Gungahlin.
If you enrol by 2 June, you will receive an offer from 24 July for the 2024 school year.
An ACT Government statement outlined that there’s a guaranteed place for every child in their local school from kindergarten to Year 12.
“Parents and carers are encouraged to visit the Education Directorate website for more information and learn more about what their local public school offers by viewing their school website,” the statement said.
“Some schools will be holding information sessions in the coming weeks.”
For Canberrans with younger children, a reminder that all four-year-olds are guaranteed 15 hours of preschool a week in the ACT.
If your child turns four on or before 30 April, 2024, they’re eligible for preschool next year.
For more information and to enrol head online or contact the Enrolment Helpline Service on 6205 5429.