What is going on it this town?
Last week we had a taxi driver sexually assault a female fare (and I’m sure I read somewhere that her sig other was in the cab with her at the time).
Now it’s the cabbies who aren’t safe with a brawl starting in the City cab rank in the early hours of Saturday morning and the taxis now refusing to pick people up from in town (the CT indicates 50 cab drivers were involved in the City pick-up boycott for last night only but I had heard that it was all cabs and it was an indefinite thing).
And now (can’t find anything online to confirm yet) a mate (not the most reliable of sources, I know) tells me that in the deep south last night a bus had a beer bottle thrown through it’s front window al a what’s been happening in Sydney recently. Can we expect a bus driver’s strike too? or some areas of Canberra to be black listed or become no-go areas for public transport?
It boggles the mind.
[Ed – apologies Adza, who posted a similar story, this came in first.]