It seems that the dirty political campaign tactics that are usually the domain of Sydney have surfaced in Queanbeyan.
Today I received two pieces of election material in my mail box.
One was from Labor member, Steve Whan supporting the ageing Tom Mavec for Mayor and the ALP candidates. Personally I hate party-politics rearing its ugly head in local government.
Considering the week Whan has had – rolled on his support to privatise our electricity and also snubbed by the new NSW Premier for a Ministry one would have thought that Whan (considering his government have sent NSW broke) would have had more to be concerned about rather than wasting his resources in interfering in our local government elections on Saturday.
The other piece of election material was a small pamphlet smearing Councilors Overall and Stravreas. It was authorised by a Peter Wallace who just happens to be a Labor (Mavec) supporter. He has been giving out Labor How to Vote cards at Pre-poll.
I have received other campaign material this week from Tim Overall, Steve Stravreas, John Barilaro etc and it has been all positive.
It’s a shame that Queanbeyan Labor have got into the gutter.