The Canberra Times has the intriguing case of Kieran Temple, an IT asset officer at the Attorney-General’s Department who has plead guilty of taking home the assetts and flogging them on eBay.
Temple’s solicitor, Peter Bevan, said his client believed the workplace was disorganised and badly managed.
”He says there was a culture of things being over-ordered and a culture of things walking out,” he said. ”If someone wanted a computer they took it from there.”
Temple told the court he had felt disgruntled because he had waited six months to be promoted out of his APS 3 job. ”I guess that was a bit of a revenge attack which was stupid and idiotic,” he said.
Suspended sentence, $1,000 fine and $6,661 repaid. (plus, hello google)
The next question is in how many other IT departments is this widespread?
(Confused by the headline? lmgtfy.)