It has long been noted that when Raiders fans attend a Brumbies game they are astonished and alarmed by the displays of manners and courtesy from the crowd.
Sometimes they mistake basic decency for a thing they call “lack of atmosphere”.
In The Roar today Kane Cassidy is opining about why Wollongong is a better choice for an A-League team.
His argument seems to come down to a lack of scum in Canberra and what dregs we have already being Raiders fans:
The social makeup of Canberra is much different to Wollongong’s as well, a great deal of Canberra’s residents are upper middle class, privately educated children of higher level public servants meaning plenty of support for Canberra’s Rugby Union team.
I’m not saying that no one from a public school has ever watched or played Union, just that private schools are their bread and butter and the area’s relatively small lower class contingent already has the Canberra Raiders representing them (Call me classist if you want but without Queanbeyan the Raiders wouldn’t exist)
Thoughts readers?