Raiders superfans Rebecca and Tabitha were just two of more than 17,000 fans attending the Raiders’ final home game for the season. Photo: Rebecca Ellem.
What’s the Raiders’ biggest asset? Some would name a player or two or their legendary coach, but attend any home game and you will see (and hear!) what really drives the Green Machine – the fans.
Dressed resplendent in green and white, faces painted, green wigs on top, some even wearing the famous Viking horns, they come to every game.
They arrive at GIO stadium carrying flags and streamers with a passion only a super fan knows, and then the members step it up again, some with a lifetime – sometimes a pre-birth – commitment to Canberra’s favourite footy team.
Andrew Cosentini has been a Raiders member for more than 15 years and says being a member has brought his family together in more ways than one.
“I’ve got three kids who have been members since the day they were all born,” Andrew says.
Andrew says the family’s passion for the Raiders means the Raiders and the NRL are the centre of conversations in their house.
“My son has the Raiders and NRL app on his laptop and checks them constantly.”
Andrew says the best thing about being a Raiders member is accessibility to tickets.
“We haven’t missed a game in three years. It’s such a good way to spend time with your friends, family and the other fans,” Andrew says.
“As a member, you get access to the first tickets to big games like the Grand Final and State of Origin, which is just awesome.
“For what you pay, you get great value for money.”
A proud Canberran, Andrew has been cheering on the Raiders since he was a child, and it has left him with a lifetime of treasured memories.
The father of three says one of the most memorable moments was being there for Mal Meninga’s final game.
“I’ve been going to NRL games since the early 90s, but one of the most amazing experiences of all time was being part of the crowd for Mal Meninga’s last game in 94.”

Rebecca Ellem has been a die-hard Raiders fan her whole life – and that won’t change. Photo: Tabitha Ellem.
Rebecca Ellem is another member and superfan of the Green Machine and says she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“My siblings and I were destined to be Raiders fans since birth,” Rebecca says.
As she grew up, Rebecca appreciated the game and what it meant to be a Raiders member more and more.
“I was in year two when I became a Raiders member, so by the time I got to high school, I was hooked.”
Public sale for 2025 Memberships open on 14 November 2024. Join the mailing list to make sure you don’t miss out. For more information on Canberra Raiders 2025 membership, visit Canberra Raiders.