11 October 2023

Re-naturalisation of concrete waterways to create new vision for Sullivans Creek

| Claire Fenwicke
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Sullivans Creek

Sullivans Creek will soon be returned to its natural state with plans to rip out the concrete and replace it with natural plants. Photo: Supplied.

Sullivans Creek will soon be stripped of its concrete casing and re-naturalised with native water plants to trap nutrients and bolster biodiversity in the region.

But before that happens the ACT Government is seeking community feedback to help decide what should go into the new vision for the waterway.

“Our vision for Sullivans Creek is to create an ecological corridor through the city, which gives our wildlife space to move through the landscape and preserve Canberra’s natural beauty and cultural heritage,” Environment Minister Rebecca Vassarotti said.

“The waterways and landscape linked to Sullivans Creek hold significant cultural importance to the local Ngunnawal community, which is why it is integral that the government put efforts towards revitalising this area.”

It’s part of a $2.95 million investment from the ‘Connecting Nature, Connecting People’ initiative, which aims to protect and restore the Territory’s environment while also strengthening Canberrans’ connection to nature.

Ms Vassarotti said it was also a way to make the city more climate resilient.

“By delivering on habitat connectivity projects like these, we are ensuring more native species have a place to call home while delivering a beautiful urban environment for Canberrans,” she said.

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The initiative will develop a long-term vision and landscape plan for Sullivans Creek and its surrounding waterways, wetlands and reserves.

Sections being examined for transformation are:

  • Barry Drive to Macarthur Avenue
  • O’Connor Tributary
  • Macarthur Avenue to Mouat Street
  • Dickson Hackett Tributary
  • Mouat Street to Horse Park Drive
  • Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve

As well as giving feedback online, Canberrans can learn more about the project and offer suggestions during community pop-up events.

They’re being held at the Epic Markets on 11 November and at the Dickson Shops on 15 November.

The listening report is expected to be published in January, with a draft plan to be prepared by May.

Consultation is open until Wednesday 6 December on the YourSay Conversations website.

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Dianne Parker7:34 pm 14 Oct 23

Think this would be a great idea there was show i think Melbourne did this on the ABC gardening show thought it was great and every one that lived near it loved the difference it made.

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