Looking for advice from anyone who has been in this position recently…….
Renewing rego for a vehicle where rego has expired > 12 months requires an inspection certificate, right ? My understanding based on previous experience with ACT Shopfronts (dodgier than Wiki I know but heh…..) – was that re-establishing registration and requiring new numberplates was only required after a period of 2 years after rego has originally expired.
Rego ACT website has no information whatsoever about rego requirements >12 months after expiry. Shopfront advice today was that rego must be re-established – new plates and all that palaver – as soon as 12 months have expired. However when challenged – the Manager advised that if the plates were still in good condition and this was noted on the inspection sheet (like WTF ??) then there would be no requirement to have new plates issued or re-establish registration……
The vehicle has been registered in the same name for >20 years now. It has no requirement whatsoever to have its credentials ‘re-establshed’ as nothing has changed at all. It should just require an inspection certificate that gives it a clean bill of health.
I am sure that documented evidence about rego requirements for the period up to 1 year (pay online or over the counter, nil inspection), from 1 year to 2 years (requires inspection but not new plates or re-establsihment) and over 2 years (requires inspection, re-establishment and new plates) was available on ACT Rego websites.
Anybody else here gone through this with ACT Rego ? Would like to hear your story.