ABC Online has a story on attempts by The Pratt to link the statistical blip of this year’s road toll (with the sample numbers involved it’ll need to hold for years to be anything else) with a decline in Random Breath Tests.
Easy to make the correllation as everyone involved in a serious accident gets tested. As it isn’t mentioned can we assume that this year’s fatal crashes are not linked to random breath testing?
UPDATED: The Canberra Times has more complete coverage. Mr. Pratt is concerned people might be driving with “gay abandon”. He’s also ignoring a higher conviction rate while calling for a meaningless KPI.
He also seems to think we need more RBT’s because we live in an era of terrorism (No really! Go read the CT piece if you don’t believe me).
How many devout muslims are going to blow over the limit? Who’s side are you on here Steve?