Jon Stanhope is taking some joy from the troubles surrounding the Liberal head kicker and Shadow Treasurer, Richard Mulcahy.
The Canberra Times reported last month that the Australian Hotels Association was to consider the findings of a report into its financial affairs encompassing the time when Mr Mulcahy was its national executive director. According to The Canberra Times, the board is due to consider the report’s findings today. I call on Mr Stefaniak to tell us whether he’s sought and received assurances from Mr Mulcahy in relation to the matter reported in The Canberra Times.
With bated breathe we await the outcome of these deliberations. It’s just a shame there hasn’t been a statement from the Liberals to clarify things.
UPDATED: The Chief Minister is happiest when on the attack and is now calling for a secret report into the affair to be made public.
Perhaps they can do a swap, Mulcahy’s AHA report in exchange for the secret Functional Review report?