The current incarnation of RiotACT has reached user number 1000, take a bow “James-T-Kirk”, whoever you are. Feel free to print out “I am special” and pin it to your lapel for a day.
The old site only ever reached 593 over 4 years which reflects the incredible growth of reader numbers since this time last year, when we made the change (also the minor matter that we turned off anonymous comment).
Currently we’re getting a staggering 1,000 unique visitors a day and over 10,000 unique visitors a month. Gawd, look at all them goose eggs.
I’m having a drink at All Bar Nun (O’Connor) on Friday 24-MAR-2006 to commemorate leaving paid employment if anyone wants to wander over for a celebratory beer.
UPDATED: If James-T-Kirk should choose to collect it, the prize pack for this honour includes a free copy of the Canberra Times, CityNews and an un-opened inflatable Brumbies whacking stick.