As you may have noticed RiotACT’s 10th birthday is just around the corner and to commemorate we’re releasing a new iteration of the site packed full of goodies for premium members.
In addition to being able to keep track of where you were up to and your own custom avatar on your comments we’re also adding private mail, blacklists (to hide those commenters you cant stand) and the ability to edit your own comments – perfect for when you want to take back what you just wrote in the heat of the moment, but ONLY for premium members.
Sign up before our birthday on 27 November to take advantage of the current low price (less than $1 a week) and be one of the last to get the exclusive membership pin (after 27 nov there will be no more and the price goes up a bit to cover all the development we’ve been doing).
For those self starters amongst you, the first 6 new premium members this week will also get tickets to members marquee at the Canberra Cup this coming weekend valued at approx $200. Keep them for yourself or give them away to a friend.
UPDATE : The Canberra Cup Tickets have all been claimed but dont let that stop you getting your membership at a discounted price.
Sign up here!