Hey motorists, there are a whole bunch of temporary road closures this weekend.
Here’s the info, plan out your weekends high-speed drift races accordingly.
The ACT Government wishes to advise motorists and other road users of temporary road closures this weekend, Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September 2013 for the 2013 National Capital Tour. Parkes, Yarralumla, Capital Hill and Acton will be affected.
The following road closures will be in place:
— Lawson Crescent at the intersection with Parkes Way, from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm on Friday 20 September 2013. Access to the National Museum of Australia will be via Liversidge Street and Lennox Crossing
— Lady Denman Drive between Cotter Road and Clunies Ross Street, from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm on Friday 20 September 2013. Access to the National Zoo and Aquarium will be via the off ramps on the Tuggeranong Parkway. Marshals will be on site to manage traffic
— Federation Mall between Queen Victoria Terrace and Parliament Drive, from 11 am to 6 pm on Sunday 22 September 2013
— King Edward Terrace between Parkes Place east and west, from 7.30 am to 12 noon on
Sunday 22 September 2013. A detour will be in place via King George Terrace.
Barriers as well as warning and diversion signs will be erected to alert people to the closures.
For up-to-date information on road closures please call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.
Visit http://nationalcapitaltour.com/ for more information on the National Capital Tour.
UPDATE: We’ve also been warned that there will be traffic delays in the City, Yarralumla, Acton, and surrounding areas this weekend.
Maybe hold off on the drift racing until next week and ride a bike this weekend guys.
The ACT Government would like to advise motorists and other road users that, due to a number of
events, delays are expected in the City, Yarralumla, Acton and surrounding areas this weekend,
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2013.
Heavy traffic volumes are expected on Lady Denman Drive, Commonwealth Avenue, Perth Avenue
and Adelaide Avenue.
Event organisers are providing free chartered ACTION services to two of the weekend’s events, the
Governor-General’s Centenary Family Picnic Day and Windows to the World. There will be limited
parking options at these events, and the chartered services are an easy and convenient alternative.
Free ACTION buses to the Governor-General’s Centenary Family Picnic Day on Saturday
21 September 2013 will depart on the half hour from Tuggeranong, Woden, Belconnen, Gungahlin
and the City.
The shuttle services for this event will be as follows:
? Tuggeranong loop – the first shuttle will depart the Tuggeranong Bus Station at 9.15 am and
the last shuttle will depart Government House at 2.20 pm. This service will also drop off and
pick up from the Woden Bus Station and the north Curtin playing fields
? Belconnen loop – the first shuttle will depart the Cohen Street Bus Station at 9.30 am and will
pick up from the Belconnen Westfield and Belconnen Community bus stations. Return services
will depart Government House at 2.30 pm
? Gungahlin loop – the first Gungahlin shuttle will depart the Gozzard Street bus stop at
9.25 am and the last shuttle will depart Government House at 2.25 pm
? City loop – the first shuttle will depart the City Bus Station at 9.45 am and the last shuttle will
depart Government House at 2.40 pm. This service will also drop off and pick up from the bus
stop on Commonwealth Avenue for people wanting to attend Floriade.
ACTION is also operating free chartered services to Windows to the World.
On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2013 a loop service will depart on the half hour, between
9.30 am and 3 pm, from the City and Woden bus stations. This service will drop off and pick up from
the temporary bus stops on Perth Avenue (near the Egyptian Embassy) and Empire Circuit (near the
Royal Thai Embassy).
This free chartered service will also be available on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September 2013 for
Windows to the World.