Not sure what it is about the roadworks on Barry Drive that makes people think it is ok to speed through at what ever speed they like. Every word day afternoon I drive through there and hardly anyone slows down at either of the two areas the limit is reduced Belconnen bound. At least at other roadworks most people at least try to make an effort but on this one it is probably about 5% try. Buses in particular scare the bejesus out of me as they roar past in their own lane at about 70km/h just so they can get ahead of other traffic up over Black Mountain.
Today I slowed down to the 40km/h speed limit, just as I was approaching the big white sign with 40 written in black with a big red circle around it and nearly had a Ford Territory run up my arse. To add insult to injury the stupid women then had the hide to give me a blast of the horn and make a what the hell are you doing hand gesture at me. I think she got the message as I wound down the window and pointed at the 3rd 40km/h sign we had passed. She then happily sat a safe distance off my rear all the way until Catchpole Street.
So Canberra drivers slow the hell down at roadworks. Yes I agree with you that many of the roadworks limits are stupidly low or should return to normal when the workers leave. Take for example the 60km/h on the Barton Highway/Kurringa Drive intersection despite the road being finished some time ago and few if any workers around, but the bottom line is if the sign says to reduce speed it is the L A W law, so don’t abuse others for doing the right thing, and pray to god you don’t kill or injure a work person in your rush to (possibly) save 15 seconds on the run home.