bizzarre new ministry, going by the titles of each listed in our abc’s report on same…
poor switchboard operators, is all i can say, for jenny macklin’s & anthony albanese’s portfolios…
and it seems we have two departments of defence – one with joel fitzgibbon who has, simply, ‘defence’, while warrens snowdon has [and note the comma] ‘defence, science and personnel’… what does a department of ‘personnel’ do?
and we also have two portfolios for housing – jenny macklin’s switchboard nightmare and tanya plibersek’s ‘housing and status of women’. what, by the way, is the current status of you women, then?
and for even further confusion, the ministry of health and ageing of nicola roxon is replicated by justine elliot’s simple ‘ageing’ portfolio. these are cabinet and outer ministries, not parl secs…
and the most bizarre on, i rekkun, is martin ferguson’s ‘resources, energy and tourism’. i can see the ads now: ‘australia – where the bloody hell are ya ’cause we’re sitting ‘ere with all this stuff to dig up…’
bob debus gets ‘home affairs’. is this for the working families? craig, leave eppinee alone and clean your room. trent, get out and clear up that yard; i’ve got your father’s shirts to mend and his tea t’ cook before i go to me shift at target.
ahh, interesting times… ; )
[ED – dubious local content but allowed due to the Public Service ructions sure to follow. But what about Julia’s mega-ministry of doom?]