Here at RiotACT we’ve frequently mocked the Canberra Times’ website. It’s almost certainly the worst maintained site of any metropolitan daily in Australia, possibly the world. It fails comparisons to the Yass Tribune. It’s so bad that people flock to RiotACT in their thousands to read my drivel rather than wait a day for the off chance the CT website will cover a story.
It’s got to the point that mocking the CT’s website is just too easy, frankly it’s beneath us.
So it was with some amusement that I greeted the news from our robots that TVNZ was talking to Rural Press chief executive, Brian McCarthy, noting that when it comes to the internet there is high penetration in Canberra (hopefully not a Fyshwick reference).
Goodness me, he knows people in Canberra have the internet? But wait, it gets better!
In the same article the Fairfax CEO, David Kirk, is blowing the horn of his internet properties while demanding the taxpayer subsidize the delivery of those properties to his customers:
The merged group will have over five million visitors each month to websites including,,, and
Could it be they’re going to start getting serious about the internet? Or just more talk? I’d ask them but they don’t reply to my emails for reasons passing understanding.