Browsing the headlines of the Canberra Times website this morning I was greeted by the warm familiarity of disgust the Sunday edition now seem guaranteed to evoke:
Schoolyard bashing terror Gang of 10 knock unsuspecting student unconscious
Ahah, I said to myself, Markus Mannheim is at it again. Surely nothing exemplifies the decline of the Canberra Times as much as Markus’ “Sunday Features” which each week find new ways to earn the contempt of the people of Canberra. You’d think the CT would hide these things on an inside page at least.
Is Markus reporting on systemic failure in our schools? No, it would seem things are functioning better than we would usually expect.
Is this some new social trend? No, occasional biffo in the schoolyard is as old as schools.
So what the hell is this story? What for Markus’ next headline? “Kylie says Tanya is a bitch – Tanya tells all of her hurt and betrayal at Belconnen High”?