3 October 2008

Scott Alexander McDougall to plead not guilty to Downer Double murder

| johnboy
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The ABC reports that one Scott Alexander McDougall from Queanbeyan will plead not guilty to murdering Struan Thomas Bolas and Julie Veronica Franko, also known as Julie Tattersall in what has become known as the Downer murders.

These are not to be confused with the Charnwood murder, or the Kingston murder.

    Today in the ACT Magistrates Court, McDougall’s lawyer indicated the 34-year-old would plead not guilty to the two murder charges and one count of arson.

    The court heard there are about 600 exhibits in the case with 300 requiring forensic analysis.

Best of luck to the jurors.

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Heavs 100#

A nonsensical statement, sounds like your the ZOMBIE durrrr!

Zombie mother by the looks of it.

97# mismoniker

Are you sure about that, and what makes you declare it as such????

TheDancingDjinn2:54 pm 29 Dec 12

MissMoniker said :

TheDancingDjinn said :

cleo said :

This monster has gotten a not so nice birthday card from me the last two years after sentencing, and I will continue to send the monster a card until the end of my life, to remind him he is locked up for the rest of his life. Can’t make monster feel guilty, as he is a psychopath, so I work on the negative for ‘it’.

Are you a family member of one of his victims? I know family of one of the victims, and even they don’t go this far. If you have no connection with the case, is there something wrong with you ? Do you write letter to other criminals here or in the rest of the country? I don’t get it..

Yes. Mother.

Cleo is the mother of one of the people murdered by this man?

TheDancingDjinn said :

cleo said :

This monster has gotten a not so nice birthday card from me the last two years after sentencing, and I will continue to send the monster a card until the end of my life, to remind him he is locked up for the rest of his life. Can’t make monster feel guilty, as he is a psychopath, so I work on the negative for ‘it’.

Are you a family member of one of his victims? I know family of one of the victims, and even they don’t go this far. If you have no connection with the case, is there something wrong with you ? Do you write letter to other criminals here or in the rest of the country? I don’t get it..

Yes. Mother.

cleo said :

This monster has gotten a not so nice birthday card from me the last two years after sentencing, and I will continue to send the monster a card until the end of my life, to remind him he is locked up for the rest of his life. Can’t make monster feel guilty, as he is a psychopath, so I work on the negative for ‘it’.

Are you aware that McDougall has appealed against his conviction for the murder of Stuart Bolas on the grounds of self-defence? The judges have reserved their decision so we’ll have to await the outcome on that one.

TheDancingDjinn10:29 am 29 Dec 12

cleo said :

This monster has gotten a not so nice birthday card from me the last two years after sentencing, and I will continue to send the monster a card until the end of my life, to remind him he is locked up for the rest of his life. Can’t make monster feel guilty, as he is a psychopath, so I work on the negative for ‘it’.

Are you a family member of one of his victims? I know family of one of the victims, and even they don’t go this far. If you have no connection with the case, is there something wrong with you ? Do you write letter to other criminals here or in the rest of the country? I don’t get it..

This monster has gotten a not so nice birthday card from me the last two years after sentencing, and I will continue to send the monster a card until the end of my life, to remind him he is locked up for the rest of his life. Can’t make monster feel guilty, as he is a psychopath, so I work on the negative for ‘it’.

Can’t wait for February’s instalment.

There were NO jurors, Judge alone trial, under old laws at that.

I’m sure MdDougall will not get his appeal accepted, if he does it’s ridiculous, as he’s only appealing against Struan, but you never know, look how many times Eastman appealed, these criminals have all the power, it’s like the criminals have the justice system on strings like puppets.

spideydog # 30

Actually intoxication does apply in the supreme court on serious matters, eg: murder etc, but if you can prove that the person who committed the crime had his wits about them, they can be charged, as in the case of McDougall.

Jules isn’t resting in peace, she will only rest in peace when justice is done, she is between two worlds! I hope jules keeps haunting monster until he rots in hell!

Moved have we…………..? hahahahahaha

Does life suit you – cod?

To the made up Cog – The family has disowned him, suggest if you are going to get on here pretending to know his family find out the correct facts.

I have read these posts closely in the last couple of days because I knew Scott between 1980 to about 1986, and his older brother remains a close long life friend of my brother. It also upset my mother a great deal. I am disgusted by 90% of the ignorant, uninformed and callous cowardly comments made by some of you people. You obviously enjoy espousing such shit. Does it make you feel better? Funnier? More worthy? Only God has the number of some of you I guess (so I dare you to make a joke about that you pathetic freaks).

Scott is a human just like you. None of you are better than him, and by some of your comments, you are clearly worse (head up arse and enjoying it factor). None of your bullshit meaningless opinions change the fact what he did was wrong, and I hope his victims rest in peace. Some of the glib, smug, alcoholic jokes made on this topic are unbelievable.

He still deserves a fair trial. Have some faith in the people whose hands this is really in and keep your stupid mouths shut. Pray you, your family, or those close are never involved in something so horrible.

You scumbags on this site sure have a voice, which is fine (consider yourselves lucky) but you out yourselves as ignorant c**ts who have no f**king idea.

Ironic hey

How ironic it is for the people on this site to comment on the AKA, when them themselves are doing the same thing by not going public on who they are, two faced or not!! Well i am quite happy to go public and I can tell you I am Julie’s Father and for all who knew her or didn’t know her, i would ask you all to let my daughter rest in peace. If she was here she would stand up to you all, but she’s not so please let her rest in peace.

John Tattersall

Nah not interested in going back & fourth with you was reading on the history of the riot.
So we can both be voted by each other as being annoying and both be up against the wall come the revolution, lol.

I don’t suppose you could throw in some mis-spellings, Rivett? Maybe some text-speak? g’won, you know you want to.

And I guess you would too!
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
You are one that has made inappropriate comments.

sub judice and being annoying are two totally different things, rivett. If being annoying was a sin here, you’d be up against the wall come the revolution.


your comment above on post #78 should also be directed at the below comment left by a reader & I noted you also commented on singing in heaven a song on that blog so you were well aware of what this person posted

#60 posted by Eyeball In A Quart Jar Of Snot
23:38, 25 Nov 2008

For all we know he was committing God’s cull by eliminating these two people.

Who cares?

None of them ever sent me a Christmas card.

That person should have been given a warning.

Yes the trial is still yet to come & yes agree that people do have to respect that. Yourself also commented on another site relating the Tattersalls (the deceased female’s ) to Martin.Bryant, so in saying that I too think that you should be respecting that there is a trial still to come & those comments were unnecessary relating the Tattersalls to Martin.Bryant who was charged with murder. Some could have taken your comments that you were allegedly referring to the deceased female as being related to Martin Byrant with how it was worded.

Many people have left posts that are inappropriate but you have not given them a warning so they continue to do so especially on the latest post about the person who cursed the victims.

rubuyred said :


I don’t think he will ever be released, the crimes were so horiffic and with his track record he has no chance!

Start respecting that the trial is still to come or comment somewhere else.

I’ve had enough of this.


I don’t think he will ever be released, the crimes were so horiffic and with his track record he has no chance!

rubuyred said :

Hi all

McDougall is a psychopath and should never be released, I know justice will be done and he will be charged with double murder and arson. May he rot in prison and then in hell for what he has done to two inoccent human beings.

Its the ACT don’t forget be lucky if he gets 10 years let alone life. On the other hand where any ferrets involved?

Hi all

McDougall is a psychopath and should never be released, I know justice will be done and he will be charged with double murder and arson. May he rot in prison and then in hell for what he has done to two inoccent human beings.


Yes he was a great dog, he was very loyal to Jules, she loved him dearly, sadly Gypsy passed away over a year ago, he was 14 years old, they are together now

Rest in peace jules with Gypsy xoxox

Yes rivett2008 you are right Gypsy was a great dog. Looked after him for Julie when she was away. Had to bath him one afternoon. Went to put him in the tub and he growled at me. He still got his bath though. Best guard dog ever.


Wasn’t Munro his fathers surname then he changed it to his mothers?
Or question is did he change it due to crimes he may have done back then.

I wouldn’t even call him a dog, Gypsy you know ‘ The driver ‘ was great a dog, is
too nice a word for a creature/thing like him. Dogs are predictable this creature
is lower than any animal.

Strange you mentioned another girlfriend from his past who knew he had a dark side as Donna33 also was another one of his ex’s and he was known to be violent to her which she left out in her posts. No point telling his good sides but leaving out the bad sides of him she must still have feelings for him otherwise would have mentioned the truth in her posts. Everyone knew at the time what their relationship was like it appears he has been violent for years from all these posts and the recent printed article of his violent outburst in court.

He reminds me of the creature on starwars the darker one! Was it darth vader not sure how
to spell it.

Let justice be served in time & when the big court cases begin the truth will be out & known to the public what events really occured. If he wont speak forensic evidence will!

Hi All

When I first met Scott I knew him as Scott Munro. He worked for a friend of mine till he was fired. He only lasted several weeks till he was given the boot.

Does anyone else remember Scott Munro?

Hi All

I new Julie for many years and shared a house with her for several years. Julie was a great friend and will be missed by all her family and friends. I also knew Scott briefly back in the early 1990’s. Scott was evil then and has not improved since. I went out with a former girlfriend of Scotts and she admitted to me that Scott had a dark side to him. I was at Julies funeral and found it all very upsetting as I knew her so well. I hope this animal gets life for what he did. I never knew Struan but my condolences to all his family and friends.
Scotts comment in court was digusting to say the least.He is the one who has no idea. How can a dog like him know what the friends and family of Julie and Struan think and feel.

Miss you alway Jules

To all!

I hope justice is done and he is charged with two murders, the DDP has been far too leanient, they need to get REAL, there has only been one murder charge in the last ten years, I’m hoping he gets fifty years at least, as they say if you want to commit a murder or a double murder come to the Canberra, and the coward will only be charged with one murder if that, I wonder which one he will be charged with? Which one doesn’t count? Julie and Struan aren’t here so go figure! The monster would have known that, he probley thought I might murder two as I will only be charged for one. Or maybe we will have justice for Julie and Struan.

Sorry to whine Johnyboy but I have good reason and what are whineing for? you get paid every time someone goes on line!


I was at the funeral, I hope you go to court on the 20th as I believe I know who you are, you were standing with two brothers when I approched you near the church, I was wearing a pink jacket, thank you so much for your comments, as you truely knew Jules.
There have been many positive comments by other people about Julie eg: Summer, Coco, Jeff and dirty, and the others who put her down they are so small minded, their small mindedness is as thick as the end of my fingernail.

love and miss your always Jules xoxoxox

Hi all! yes he was playing whats the time Mr Wolf, as a friend of Jules was at her home at the time, he repeatly played ‘whats the time Mr Wolf’. The way he murdered those two human beings, it was the most cowardest act ever, as far as I am concerned he is pure evil and should be hung! His act doesn’t fool me, he knew what he was doing, drinking a bit more after ‘the event’ and popping anti-depressents later on, as I think thats what he did, all too well planned.
I hope he gets everything he deserves, he won’t end up in heaven with his mother but will rot in hell.
Yes I am close to Julies family, very hard to come terms with what happened to an inoccent person, most people who knew Jules are still in shock.

Will miss and love you always Jules xoxoxo


20th November is the next day,
yes the animal appeared on the 3rd of Oct to have the murder charge of the unidentifed women changed to murder of the correct person.
You will hear alost more on this date in Nov.
Anyone who thinks he is innocent well come along to court and hear it all.
He is a monster as ruby said, a danger to the public and if released on bail god help us all. He wont last walking the streets after what he has done to two innocent victims.
Let the truth be finally known the public and anyone that has bagged out the deceased will be speechless when they hear what this animal did in cold blood.I refuse to comment any further, leave it in legal hands but the best thing this animal can do is stand up like a man and plead guilty for the crime he committed not drag the families through more sadness as they have already suffered enough.
Sorry but the animal saying he cannot remember from being drunk does not cut it. As ruby said above the song whats the time Mr wolf is what he repeadly played the afternoon before he committed these horrible crimes.

I thought he was going to court on the 3rd but haven’t heard anything since.


Pity they couldnt move the trial outside of the ACT then he would be given a fair trial and sentancing is much harsher outside the ACT. Besides Canberra is too small a place and after living here for years its a small place where often people have grown up together and know of one another. Hopefully you turn up to court hear the details of what this devil did.

HI all! Its a pity Donna33 didn’t mention how McDougull used to drag her around the floor by the hair, hit her and tried choke with her necklace when they lived together, she also said he was smart! Yes he’s as cunning as a gutter rat,I hope he has his guitar with him as I believe he likes playing ‘whats the time Mr wolf’ over and over again as thats what he did on the day he murdered those two human beings in cold blood. Donna is terrified of of him getting out on bail, so that says it all! He should never be released as he is a danger to the public. The laws in Canberra should be the same as other states in Australia, but of course its the Capital so we must pretend it is squeky clean, just sweep things under the carpet, I was told when I came to Canberra it was a ‘Micky Mouse town’ now I know what he was talking about .

@Martin1973 – I only made two comments and neither were particularly provocative. It just seems pretty clear to me that the emotive posts published could serve to prove that he would not receive a fair trial in Canberra. Given the Not Guilty plea, it doesn’t seem like a smart move. That’s all.

I read one of the posts where someone had been on the deceased facebook site and
the person appeared to be genuine.

My thoughts are with their loved ones at this time,

Let justice take its cause and when its all over it may shed some light to the public even thought it wont bring the deceased people back it may however stop this creature ever getting out and doing this to anyone else in the community.


Didn’t this creature already have two days in court – 1st to be charged with the murder of the male & unidentifed female then 2nd court date charged with murder of the identified female? Then he pleaded not guilty at his 2nd court appearance which was printed in the papers & released on the news. I have to agree with the posts some of them did get out of hand where comments that were degrading were made about the deceased & John boy you did play a role in fuelling the situation as Jeff mentioned relating the deceased female to Martin.Byrant.
What about the two deceased people, they don’t have their day in court as this creature has taken their lives from them, why give him the loyalty of not saying anything before court. There is obviously enough evidence for him to be arrested and still held in custody otherwise he would be out on bail.

By your remarks one would think you are on the creatures defence team – Jeff and xCATx were clearly defending the two deceased people on this site who are not here to defend themselves.

I found on the other post about the identified female a post made by ‘ Dirty ‘ to be one of the most decent posts put up on this site about the downer murders.

Jeff and xCATx – you’re not on the accused’s defence team are you?!

Jeff, I’m on the record loathing the pathetic Anu Singh and Glenn Porritt outcomes – but an online lynching before someone has had their day in court is simply not appropriate.

Gave you a chance, too stupid so it’s gone,


A suggestion for your pea brain if its even that big – Read up on the history of
how many persons in the ACT have been charged with murder – ONE, yes that is correct!


Johnboy – You should have given it a rest when you decided to post the Tattersalls
relating to Martin.Byrant. You fuelled the situation & keep reminding people that post items on here its ok to have their say!

Jeff, xcatx, if either of you had a brain the size of a pea you would sit outside your antediluvian emotions, stop sounding like a pair of Balkan reprobates, and respect the justice system. Now rub a couple of brain cells together and learn the basics.

You’re labouring under the mistaken belief that I can’t make you cool it.

Give it a rest or I will.


Lets see if the Justice system will charge this animial with murder which is clearly what he did – If he gets off with manslaughter saying ‘ he cant remember ‘ as he was drunk then the ACT justice system needs a real wake up.

If all forensic evidence shows the animal did it he has not rights – He deserves capital punishment for this crime.

The crime in QLD where the animal pleaded not guilty & served 3 years for manslaughter was a light sentance, luckily the person he did that to survived.

With this latest crime he deserves everything he gets & more – Drunk or whatever is no excuse for committing such a violent crime as he did. He has taken away two innocent lives & left the families & friends struggling to deal with this loss due to his selfishness & violent actions. The animal should stand up like a man & plead guilty to the crime he did not drag the families through an open trial where there will be more hurt than what there is now. Instead of letting the deceased victims rest in peace & the families mourn their loved ones he is choosing to drag it out by pleading not guilty which is a disgrace.

Yes Canberra appears to defend the offenders – Obviously if only one person has been charged with murder since 1998 that says it all – Let animals who get out of it commit crimes & get off with manslaughter. Its so wrong. If that continues heaven help the next generation.

You ask people to cool it john boy when you allow people to get on the site & bag out the deceased female using her surname Tattersall & joking about it being relating to the evil Martin.Bryant – Sorry you have fuelled the situation & by calling the deceased females sister nutter of the month. Clearly she was distressed apologised for her posts.

Those that new the deceased know the real them & others will be playing the guessing game, either bad mouthing them such as the canberra times or speaking the good about them.

Let’s just cool it until the justice system is done eh?

Wouldn’t want anyone but the accused to get in trouble?

Welcome to Canberra – Where we defend our OFFENDERS??

3 … Jeff mate…

3 deaths of so called friends..!!!!!
Doh… Im too drunk to remember officer .. doesnt cut it !!
Does this give all the community – Rights to get drunk and act like loonies?

One more comment,
Even if this animal gets away with murder & is charged with manslaughter he also faces the a separate sentence of arson.

Here is a part of the ACT crimes act:

CRIMES ACT 1900 – SECT 117

(1) A person who destroys or damages by means of fire or explosive any property with intent to endanger the life of another person by that destruction or damage commits an offence.

Maximum penalty: imprisonment for 25 years.

(2) A person who dishonestly, with a view to gain for himself or herself or another person, destroys or damages by means of fire or explosive any property commits an offence.

Maximum penalty: imprisonment for 20 years.


Couldn’t agree with you more on your post – It is a terrible tragedy.

The way the media has mentioned Straun’s past is a disgrace – I never read any
comment about reporters doing their background work on the animal that did this
horrific violent crime. If they did it would be printed over the papers that he was only out of jail a short time for serving time where he pleaded not guilty & served 3 years for manslaughter for stabbing a male in the neck. Instead the focus is on bad mouthing the innocent victims that had their lives taken away from in such a horrific way. They are not here to defend the slurs that have been made about them or that may be made in the future – I do hope that justice is served on this animal who did this.
He has already committed two horrific crimes how many more crimes will he be allowed to get away with?

If forensic evidence clearly proves that he did these crimes he should not be given any rights, for trying to reduce his sentence.

Canberra is the nations capital, yet appears to have the lightest sentences handed down to people who commit such horrific crimes. I cant help but wonder if any of the victims who has been murdered in the ACT since 1998 were a relative of some high profile politic would the animals that did these crimes get off so lightly? I don’t believe so.

There has only been one murder conviction in the ACT since 1998. Surely things have to change & the law especially with all the violent acts that have occurred this year. By people getting away with manslaughter charges it sends a clear message to the public that it is OK to get drunk, commit a crime & say you don’t remember.

Here is the site to copy and paste:


There is also another site to copy & paste:


Im still horrified by this tragedy.I think about it everyday.
As a Downer resident and a mate of Struan’s it all doesnt sit right.
Struan – Got a bad rap from the media. So what if he had a past. Everyone does!
Struan had turned his life around, had left the bikie gang 5 yrs ago. Was working full time and loved by his workmates.I saw him every few days – He was a really great guy.
This is just so wrong. We miss him.
I dont know Scott, and Im glad I DO NOT… !
(Seems like anyone whose classed as his mate – gets killed.)
This guy is an animal. Who needs to be put away for life.He is sick, and my worry is if he gets away with this. He will strike again.
I hope he gets along time behind bars to think about his selfish , cruel actions and hopefully he will wake up in cold sweats every night remembering the calousness of his doings. No one deserves the horrifying death these two innocent victims endured.
My heart felt condolences go out to both families that are struggling with their losses.

Hi all,

What a beautiful message left in the Canberra times from the victims families,
after all the readings on this site I thought it would be nice to close the
comments and end it with the acknowledgment in today’s paper, may Julie & Straun
rest in peace & I am sure everyone would agree it would be nice to leave all comments now as both these families that remain have a hard road ahead of them. They are available online to see in the Canberra times.

From the Tattersall Family

Julie Sarah Tattersall
5-2-73 – 10-09-008

John, Marilyn,Belinda, Amy & James
wish to most sincerely thank those who could join as at the funeral, and to everyone
who has expressed kind thoughts and actions or sent cards or flowers following the tragic event that took our beautiful girl.

It has been very comforting to have so much support from our family and friends here and in the UK.

We would like to acknowledge the professionalism and assistance given to us by the AFP, Wendy.McDonald from white lady funerals, Rev Elaine.Gifford, Monica Jansen from the Quality Inn Dickson, Charles.Saleh of Furva Design and WIN TV.

Rest in Peace Jules

Forever Young & Beautiful

From the Bolas family
The Bolas Family extends their sincere thanks for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and telephone calls for our Struan.

ah this is a commentary/conversation website. Maybe they were curious if his brother was going to be embarrassed by this – ie, he could be in the ACT police force. Chill out dude. Quite often family members have nothing to do with a crime, but because they’re in a high profile position, it’s newsworthy. I could name several cases where this has happened.

shanston said :

do you know which police force his brother is in?

why does it matter what police force his brother was in? His brother has nothing to do with this!

do you know which police force his brother is in?

MRB – The people who one day will be selected for jury will have to say if they have been on this site & if so well consideration will be taken into account.
How about you advise others on the site to keep their mouths shut about the slanging off jokes referring to’ Tattersall ‘ & other slurs or to who have joked about the whole situation, including johnny boy who doesnt monitor his site before things are posted. Let it be known what an animal McDougall is – No need to wait til after court proceddings for that one & paint him as a saint before hand. He is an animal & that wont be hidden until after court proceedings.

Hey coco, how about keeping your mouth shut until after court proceedings??

Going on riotact stats, it’s not a fair stretch to say it’s possible people reading this site will one day be selected for jury duty.

Hi Busybutbored,

McDougall was born in Malaysia his father was in the raaf.
“it” hadnt had contact with his dad in years & years before that he wasnt there to support his mum – he choose his path years ago. Sad that his mum died, but did he have any sadness in him when he stabbed a guy in the neck a few years ago & served time for that? Or to murder two people recently after being out of jail for 6 weeks? No he doesnt get any sympathy votes!
Drunk what ever – Doesnt give any excuse to perform violent acts upon others.

McDougall is not Strauns nephew…

I heard in passing that Scott was Strauns nephew, However i dont know how true that is.

Ah – Noa Nadruku – thanks for that. I tried searching news articles, but without his name I didn’t get anything. Glad to know that the laws have tightened up re ‘intoxication’ as an excuse.

Hi All,

To clarify my earlier post regarding Scott entering a not guilty plea – Because he was so intoxicated (4 hours after he committed the crime so keep in mind he was not intoxicated four hours earlier when he commited the crime) he can enter a not guilty plea – ‘ Diminished responsibility’ is more the path a coward like this will go down. If all forensic evidence proves Scott was 100% the person who murdered the two victims he still will try his best with getting a reduced sentance by claiming diminished responsibility.(Due to him being under the influence).

It will go to trial now due to Scotts not guilty plea where all evidence will be proved that he not only did the crime but knew what he was doing at the time. Finialising in the supreme court.

Then as I mentioned above, May he live a slow life ahead of him in jail with the real big boys & eventually after a life of hell there, then let him burn in hell when he ends up there.

“Noa Nadruku, a well-known footballer, was charged with assault. Mr Nadruku reportedly told the ACT Magistrates Court that he had blacked-out after drinking up to 40 schooners of beer, a six-pack of stubbies and half a bottle of wine and could not remember the assaults.Magistrate Shane Madden concluded that Mr Nadruku was too drunk to form an intention to commit the assaults.”


Actually Sepi as I recall the incident you are talking about was one of the catalysts for having the law changed so that voluntary intoxification could not prevent one from having the intention to commit a criminal act.

Previously you could say that you were so hammered that you couldn’t have formed the intention to commit the criminal act, thus the elements of the offence weren’t there. This was the old common law position, it has since been changed by statute. But I am talking off the top of my head.

No intoxication is definitely not a defence (except “involuntary intoxication” which is pretty hard to accomplish..lol) Being a mitigating circumstance, it can be taken into consideration in sentencing only. Well thats the way it is supposed to be anyways.

The guy you are talking about was probably found guilty or the offence “proved” but no conviction recorded (however that is guessing)

re – intoxication – I thought it was an excuse. I still remember that footballer who punched a teenage girl right in the face for no reason at all in a nightclub got no conviction, due to being so intoxicated he didn’t know what he was doing? This is quite a few years ago though.

Deadmandrinking2:11 pm 04 Oct 08

Coco/Graham…I was joking. It doesn’t deserve a paragraph.

Legally, intoxication is no defence…period. Mitigating circumstance only.

I really don’t understand the concept of ‘not guilty due to massive intoxication’.

If that is carte blanche to do anything at all, then it should be come a crime to get that drunk. It just shouldn’t be able to be used as an excuse.

Re – ‘scott has opted for an open trial’ – does this mean a jury trial, or is he going the magistrate alone route?

Hey coco

good on ya !

I hope scot rots in hell for the damage he has caused.

No soap on a rope 4 him while he is locked away, he is going to drag this through the courts with his non guilty plea.. but no one is gonna buy it .

All my thoughts and love to the victims families

Matey you don’t need a petition to start a website.

Blogspot is free, or a $5/month hosting package plus ~$30 for domain registration will get you going.

I look forward to reading, it let us know when it goes up ok?

Hi All,

I was browsing the net regarding the recent crime of Scott.McDougall & came across Johnyboy’s notice regarding the murders and also a site where you refer to a person as nutter of the month in Sept.

Goodness Johnny you only have to hear your voice Johny to know that you are a complete
twat/and what side of the fence you sit on & no wonder why you did not make it to a sucessful journalist so you have had to resort to this type of website. Yes I am guilty of coming on this site but the sooner a petition goes around for a new ACT site the better. I will be pushing for that & many people are interested as they are sick & tired of your crap on this site. Canberras a tiny state so it wont take long. You get off on peoples problems, sure they shouldnt post stuff when distressed but girly you have responsibility to take certain blogs off the site but you keep them going as you thrive on it. You dont support the readers,all you are interested in is $$$$$.

Of course readers are drawn to this type of site, especially those in the ACT and yourself in Turner as reality is you sit behind your computer thriving on this, however before anyone puts up a post as the owners website you should be monitoring what goes up in the first place. I have read previous posts where others have mentioned that you should never pull down any post but reality is Johnny you have control over what is first posted in the first place. And if you dont well just shows how unprofessinal you really are.

This post about the Downer Murders was going to go away – Many commented
on Summers post that if she kept posting things it contributed, but here goes again its all on again.

Sands – You asked did anyone go to the case – Yes many did and Scott was dressed in a grey suit with a tie trying to look like a professional barrister himself! Obviously someone from the remand centre took him in a lovely suit to help him look like the innocent victim. There goes the old saying, dont judge a book by its cover – He may looked good but inside is evil.

Deadmandrinking – Your comment was ” Well if anyone hasn’t blamed the judiciary, I will.

It’s all their fault. They’re hopeless. “.

– The case has not gone to trial yet, Scott was charged with murder of the un-identified female which was un-named then withdrawn & formally charged with the murder of the identified femaile. Scott entered a plea of not guilty, so court proceedings begin from here. If you rememeber the last time Scott appearead in court he was only charged with Straun’s murder & an un identified female, now the charges of the un-identified female have been withdrawn & he has been formally charged with the correct female that was identified.

123qwe – ” Gotta love the AFP” as you quoted – 300 requiring forensic analysis – This is not done by the AFP but by specialist forensics. Scott stands no grounds to sue under the Human rights ACT. Give the AFP a break, they arrested him according to the evidence at about 2:15am after he commited this horrid crime. I hold the upmost respect for any member of the police force.

– It took 7 days to be released to the public about the unidentified woman not due to lack of police work or forensics, but due to forensic evidence that was specifically required if you read information previously her body was badly fused together. So to be certain they made sure they were 100% with identifiying the female victim. If you did your homework on forensics you would understand that it takes time to accumilate all information & this body could not be identified by the family due to terrible way her body was left. Then again the Canberra times who released Mr Boles indentity before it had been formally confirmed, which was a disgrace from the Canberra times, un-fair critisim from inexperienced junior reporters about a innocent victim.

Sunshine – Yes you are correct, Scott had served a few years in QLD jail where he violently stabbed a person in the neck. Yet again he pleaded non guilty but was sentanced to a few years in QLD jail for manslaughter. Then went on a brief trip to then arrive back in the ACT before committing these crimes.

I know one of the victims family very well – People on these sites are going to speculate & thats normal. Only those close to the families know the truth & its best not to go there, leave it for court.

When this horriffic crime is revealed by open trial as Scott has choosen my the truth be known to everyone & be revealed what a evil person Scott.McDougall is. He will not walk away from this crime.

I also feel for Scotts brother too – He is a police officer.

Scotts mother dying is sad, but he wont get sympathy votes from people for that one as he was in trouble years before she passed away. i just hope the remand centre has his mums necklace/charm scott used to wear around his neck & if he is allowed to wear it there that someone rips it off his neck as thats the only thing he has to hold onto.

Scott is responsible for his own behaviours & his non guilty plea due to him being intoxicated will never stand up in a court room. He should stand up act like a man & face responsibity for his actions, not waste more of legal aids money and everyones time by pleading not guilty & dragging the families all through an open court trial.

May he live a slow life ahead of him in jail with the real big boys & eventually after a life of hell there, then let him burn in hell when he ends up there.

Aurelius said :

Boomacat, that is the point I was making above. One aspect is if the prosecution f***s up, and relies on dodgy evidence, they’ll go down.
Noone blames the referee if the Raiders can’t keep hold of a ball, and so lose a game. If the prosecution screw up, then there’s no point society whining about the judiciary.

Thats all well and good, so whats the answer….make up evidence to get a stronger case ?? You run with what you got. The judicial system is not perfect (Magistrates, DPP, Defence and Police) but we can never blanket blame a particular area for failings. Each case should be critiqued on their own.

Hams said :

The DPP in Canberra will only appeal against coppers so while it is possible to appeal it is very unlikely.

Not true m8. DPP have appealed plenty of cases. Recent rape case for example. As for CCTV. The issue is it being used as PRIMARY id evidence when the person in the footage is not READILY recognisable. A Magistrate needs to be able to look at the footage, look at the defendant and see without a doubt the defendant sitting before them is the person seen in the footage. If they can’t do that, then the PRIMARY id cannot be made and rightly so. The footage then becomes circumstantial depicting an incident – not ID of an offender.

In saying this, I’m not saying (in my opinion) there hasn’t been some dodgy decisions, but as I said earlier, it’s not perfect.

Boomcat I don’t want to come off like I am having a rant and their is a chance that I might be wrong as I am mainly going off anecdotal stories from Police from NSW and Vicpol but they are amazed by some of the loops we have to go through and some of the things rejected by the Courts here.
I know of at least one situation personally where some one was assaulted on CCTV with no direct witnesses other than the victim, which showed the assault and what the offender was wearing.
The offender was then found by Police literally around the corner and wearing the exact same clothes about 30 seconds later.
This footage was used in Court and the magistrate commented that it wasn’t reliable and had no value as evidence.
I think I am a reasonable and prudent person and to me that is fairly compelling, but once the decision is made there is very little you can do to change it.
The DPP in Canberra will only appeal against coppers so while it is possible to appeal it is very unlikely.

happy2bme said :

one would assume being a police person makes you civilised?

Not if one has seen *some* of them carry on here.

Boomacat, that is the point I was making above. One aspect is if the prosecution f***s up, and relies on dodgy evidence, they’ll go down.
Noone blames the referee if the Raiders can’t keep hold of a ball, and so lose a game. If the prosecution screw up, then there’s no point society whining about the judiciary.

I would like to share with all the ‘civilised ‘ people a fact about scot mcdougall, for some of you , who think shit don’t happen to civilised people ! … scots brother is a policeman/detective .. one would assume being a police person makes you civilised? nasty crap can happen to anyone..
my thoughts are to the families that have been hurt through scots uncivilised actions

Hams, are you sure you’re not a little confused here?

There are very strict rules in the Commonwealth Evidence Act (which applies in ACT Courts by force of Federal law) about the admissibility of identification evidence. It is not something that is left to the discretion of a single Magistrate.

There is a very good reason for this: dodgy identification evidence features in many of the greatest miscarriages of justice in legal history. I encourage you to read “Conviction of the Innocent” by Chester Porter QC, a distinguished (retired) barrister who acted both as a Prosecutor and for the Defence.

This is also true of the rules of evidence generally. They are very strict and much time is spent in trial bickering about admissibility. Any occurrence of ruling evidence out on ‘ridiculous’ grounds would be ripe for appeal, perhaps all the way to the High Court.

Boomcat. The main issue I am talking about is CCTV footage. In other states and territories it is commonly used as a primary source of identification evidence. Recently the ACT Magistrates Court has made a ruling that it can’t be used as Identification evidence.
Other items of forensic evidence have also been dismissed on what seem to me ridiculous grounds. I can not say with certainty that similar evidence hasn’t been dismissed other places but it happens here fairly regularly.

Who cares?

BusyButBored11:17 pm 03 Oct 08

Calming words indeed. You make our cyber streets safe at night, thanks Granny 🙂

(though you’ve mentioned his name twice?!)…

Hams – please explain re unusual rules regarding admission of evidence in the ACT?

The last time I checked, admission of evidence in the ACT is governed by the provisions of the Commonwealth Evidence Act.

This is also known as the “Uniform Evidence Act” – NSW uses almost exactly the same rules.

In any event, the judicial officer’s rulings about evidence are also subject to review by appellate courts (indeed questions about admissibility of evidence often feature in criminal appellate work).

Yes, of course it is sad.

I had a boyfriend who had been warped by too many drugs and various circumstances in his life, and who became mentally ill. His father was an alcoholic who died in very tragic circumstances. Sometimes love just isn’t enough, and innocent people end up being hurt. I loved him with everything and it wasn’t enough.

I am not sorry that I do not know Scott, although I am sorry for everybody concerned that this is a sad story with such a sad ending. I don’t need any more sad endings in my life, I’m afraid.

All that is left now is to salvage whatever good can come out of it, and that is unlikely to ever outweigh the harm done.

BusyButBored9:27 pm 03 Oct 08

That’s scary. It wouldn’t surprise me. But Granny, this is a guy who loved his mum to bits after his father left her.. changed his name back to hers, then she got killed in a car accident. You obviously have a big heart. Sad case?

i heard he recently got out of a queensland jail for similiar acts when on drugs

Aurelius. It is up to the prosecution to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, but sentencing is entirely out of their hands. I think one of the major issues people have with the judiciary is when they do convict someone, but then give sentences that seem inadequate.
That is just my take on it anyway. Judge only Supreme Court trials seem to have a very strange interpretation of what a “reasonable doubt” is sometimes though.
The other issue is that it is entirely up to the judiciary to deem something inadmissible. Their are some forms of evidence that the ACT Courts won’t accept, even though it is admissible in every other state in Australia.

If the judiciary do not convict a person, a good part of the responsibility for that lies with the prosecution. We have a presumption of innocence, so the onus is on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt. If they fail, the person gets off.
So when you see someone get off who shouldn’t, you should be asking yourself what laws are inadequate, or whether those seeking a conviction have done their jobs properly.
The weak link in the chain isn’t always the judiciary. If it were, there are things called appeals.

It does take a certain je ne sais quoi.

Loquaciousness3:47 pm 03 Oct 08

Deadmandrinking said :

I love it how everyone can predict the future on riot-act.

/me shakes the Magic 8 ball: “It is not promising”.


Loquaciousness3:46 pm 03 Oct 08

123qwe said :

For the grammar kids out there.

pissweek = lacking in substance and took about seven days before it was known to everyone

pissweak = lacking in substance

Thanks for clearing that up 123qwe.

I guess being pissweak would be pisspoor, but being pissweek at least you could pisspour?


Deadmandrinking3:36 pm 03 Oct 08

I love it how everyone can predict the future on riot-act.

not guilty to murder.

so – unless he is claiming to have nothing to do with it, he must be claiming manslaughter.

For the grammar kids out there.

pissweek = lacking in substance and took about seven days before it was known to everyone

pissweak = lacking in substance

300 requiring forensic analysis.

By the time AFP get around to completing that work (there is a queue; Charny, Kingston, then Downer) old mate would have served about 5 years in remand awaiting trial. Then by the time he is found not guilty due to some pissweek reasoning, he will probably sue under the Human Rights Act.

Gotta love the ACT.

Beserk Keyboard Warrior2:32 pm 03 Oct 08

Deadmandrinking said :

Well if anyone hasn’t blamed the judiciary, I will.

It’s all their fault. They’re hopeless.

Agreed. If Cameron Smith got two weeks for a grapple-tackle then MacDougall deserves an entire season on the sidelines.

Deadmandrinking2:06 pm 03 Oct 08

Well if anyone hasn’t blamed the judiciary, I will.

It’s all their fault. They’re hopeless.

Did anyone go to the case? I thought (was it Donna33?) might have gone along.

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