I’m working with a few like-minded Organic gardeners to set up a seed savers network for Canberra. At present I’m looking for any number of vegetables and legumes which have been acclimatised to the Canberra region.
One seed I’m finding hard to trace down is wheat that is not encumbered by copyrights, patents or “plant breeder’s rights”. We’re hoping to find a strain or three of wheat (and other cereals) that we can provide to others for them to grow, without having to pay licence fees or royalties to third parties. Ideally the strain will have been grown on the same farm for more than 30 years.
If you have or know of a supply of wheat seed which has not been contaminated by GM genes, has not been patented, is not subject to PBR, and has been grown successfully in the Canberra/Goulburn region, I’d love to obtain a sample so we can keep the strain alive.
Similarly, if you have a stock of food plant seeds that your and your family have been growing in Canberra for a few decades, the Canberran seed savers group would love to hear about it. Respond to this thread, we’ll organise a swap meet soon!