Shadow Planning spokesperson Zed Seselja has been doing a bit of budget research, and discovered that Seven-storey Call-in Corbell has suffered a few losses in the budget (see Zed’s press release here – [link]).
Stanhope has apparently taken over land releases from the Land Development Agency (LDA), as the LDA has failed to meet its projected dividend targets. LDA has also been spending up big on various marketing activities, and building up a fair-sized bureaucracy, and these have been targeted in the budget.
ACTPLA will lose 31 staff, which means that no doubt it’s already trouble-plagued DA assessment processes will be under even more stress. The Auditor-General released a scathing report on ACTPLA last year and the loss of even more staff won’t do it any good. And transport policy (aka the busway) has also been taken off Simon.
Perhaps he’ll now have some time on his hands to answer the RA questions.
Business and the community have been badly let down by Simon, head of ACTPLA Neil Savery, head of LDA Anne Skewes, and the senior managers in both agencies and in Corbell’s office. Unfortunately, cutting staff is not the solution; indeed, all it will do is exacerbate the existing problems.
The solution lies with a change of Minister and agency heads, a change of culture within both agencies, a willingness to genuinely consult with the community and business, draw on the skills and knowledge that exist out there, and start reflecting what Canberrans really want this city to be all about. Corbell, Savery and Skewes have never connected with Canberrans.
Perhaps he’s just Six-storey Simon now?