It’s confused me justy recently that working in the construction industry where you are “around machinery” or hazardous areas hi-vis wear is mandatory. However, numerous times now I have seen Police standing in the middle of the road handing out fines in 80 km/hr areas. I called up the Police enquries, because if you didn’t see an officer and hit them or “failed to stop” you would be in more trouble.
After today having a Police Officer (Motorcyclist) carrying out speed checks, stepped out in all black onto the road and flagged me down. I called Workcover ACT and was told “Police are under a different regulation and rulings”. How is this so? My sympathy for Police being hit is starting to wear out because they are “under a different ruling” most of the time by the time you have seen them you are however caught anyways.
I think if you are anybody working/riding in a hazardous or potentially hazardous environment you should wear the same gear and the same rules for all. If you watch when the Prime Minister or opposition go to the mines etc. they wear hi-vis vests etc. they don’t pull the “well i’m the Prime Minister” they just do it. I’d get kicked off a site for not wearing appropriate apparel it costs me a lot to maintain and keep the equipment, we as tax payers have provided the Police with hi-vis wear and yet they can still fly under the radar.
So much for a country that is all about “equals” I understand they have their job to do but as mentioned above by the time you have spotted them they already have caught you speeding, so why is this not enforced and Police start being fined for not wearing the appropriate safety equipment. Next we will see Police motorcyclist not wearing helmets etc. oh hang on they save lives…… then wtf are hi-vis vests etc for? looking smart?!!?!
So my question is do I have any grounds for appeal or next time do I just not see him, the sun was in my eyes it was dangerous, yet all I could get from the Police Info line was that they are an option for Police not mandatory. Well I guess, paying the fine isn’t mandatory for me it’s advisable, just like next time I hear a Police Officer was hit by a car I will ask myself if every other state has enforced hi vis wear and ACT hasn’t there will be no tears from me….