Those who have trekked the Illawarra Highway will almost certainly be aware that Robertson is home to mists, and a big poo.
The poo bears a sign claiming it is a potato.
But it’s fooling no-one.
They’re rather proud of their poo in Robertson.

Here in Canberra the Civic pool was some years ago enclosed in a giant dome at the command of the No Self-Government Party MLA Craig Duby. Political cognoscenti still refer to it as the “Dubydome”.
According to Wikipedia Senator Gary Humphries once said of it:
- The words of some great sage spring to mind: “Things that men do live after them”. I am afraid that there is very little else in the Territory that will live after Mr Duby, so to do away with his one remaining monument in the Territory would be a great pity, Mr Speaker.
But as you’ll note the Dubydome has taken on a distinct brown hue these days.
If this is not corrected it will surely strip from Robertson the prize of playing host to the biggest poo in all of Australia.
How do we feel about this?
UPDATED: Thanks to our reader abc for informing us that the gubbmint is already on to this and the poo will be coming down shortly. Citizens of Robertson rejoice. Will there be a statue of Craig Duby erected in memory of this momentous chapter of history?