I’d never heard about the Wood Slab guy before reading about him on RiotACT. So I was pretty surprised to see a truck sitting on the side of the road on my way to work this morning covered in slabs of timber.
I stopped in and had chat with Paul Van Den Heuvel about what he does.
He’s been bringing timber up to Canberra for 18 years now (even more surprising that I haven’t seen him), but this is the first time he’s set himself up at the end of Bindubi Street at the bottom of Cook (he’s there until Sunday).
He brings up a selection of what he calls heirloom timber, as it is something you’ll pass down through the ages.
Slimply Slabs is based out of Bodalla on Potato Point Road and Paul operates his own mill and only deals in reclaimed timber. He brings the truck upto Canberra every fortnight with a selection of timber.
Types of timber available: Red Gum, Ironbark, Woolly-butt, Black Butt, Blood wood, box, River Red Gum, Red and Blonde Malley, Steel Wood, Spotted Gum, and Karri.
Doing everything from step treads for the garden path, to deck posts and boardroom tables upto 4m X 1.5m, also good for student wood working projects. He says its about half the price of laminex for a comparison.
He also has a mobile mill so you can mill your own slab of timber upto 1.8m wide if you have a large fallen tree in the back yard that would look great as a coffee table.
For something a bit different, Paul was telling me how his family have managed to cultivate an evergreen version of a deciduous hazelnut tree. So anyone any forestry students from Toad Hall who want to put their past learnings to work may be interested in what this has to offer.
Contact details are: Paul Van den Heuvel, 0410 293 377, http://www.simplyslabs.com.au/
Go along for a chat and have a look at what he has to offer. Tell him you heard he was a good looking rooster on RiotACT and I’m sure he’ll look after you.
[Disclaimer RiotACT was not paid for this, and I’m not getting any sort of commission or special discount for this, but I am looking to get a new top for the kitchen table.]