28 March 2024

Skittish Albanese Government is letting the headlines blow it off course

| Ian Bushnell
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Anthony Albanese at the Press Club

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese needs to lead with conviction. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

There is a sense of crisis gripping the Albanese Government and it’s all their own fault.

Primarily it’s due to the knee-jerk response to the High Court decision on indefinite immigration detention and another looming decision that’s not likely to go the government’s way.

The attempted rushing through of draconian deportation powers foundered in the Senate, where an opportunistic Coalition teamed with the Greens and crossbench. This only fed the impression that the government was all at sea.

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A gun-shy Labor has abandoned all principles to try to appear as hairy-chested on immigration, terrified that the ghost of Tampa will come back to haunt it at the next election.

It appears it will do anything to neutralise the issue at the expense of the rule of law, basic freedoms and people’s lives.

This has nothing to do with keeping Australians safe. It’s all about keeping Labor safe.

Some of the detainees freed as a result of the High Court decision have committed crimes, some serious. They may not be nice people.

But prisoners are released back into society from jail every day after serving their time, some for violent crimes.

Should we expect them to be indefinitely detained or wear electronic bracelets because of the possibility of them reoffending?

If so, that’s a radical redrawing of our criminal justice system.

Let’s not forget that there are still asylum seekers languishing on Manus Island in PNG and on Nauru.

The government has succumbed to the hysteria whipped up by the Opposition, egged on as usual by its media mates in News Corp, which has a naked agenda to destabilise it.

Its daily headlines have only gotten more strident this year, creating the impression that the government is reeling from one crisis to the next.

No matter what position the government takes, the bad headlines keep coming.

This is no surprise. News Corp always tries to corral a government, especially a Labor one.

The tragedy is that Labor seems more intent on managing the news cycle than articulating policy or arguing its position with any force.

It’s as if the media advisors throw the papers onto the PM’s desk in the morning and immediately go into damage control.

It’s not just immigration.

Across the policy spectrum from climate change and energy to cost of living, the Albanese Government is being shoved this way and that by powerful interest groups masterful in media manipulation.

Even the no-brainer of revising the Stage 3 tax cuts took an age.

READ ALSO Backbencher’s push to override High Court decision causes concern in legal community

Some might say this is the business of politics, adjusting to conditions, bending when the wind blows and compromising where necessary.

But the impression is that the government does not know whether it’s coming or going, so the headlines become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

No wonder voters are confused about what Anthony Albanese and his government stand for, and the polls are tightening.

It’s time for the PM to grow a spine, show some conviction and put the nation’s interests ahead of the baying mob.

The alternative is an ebbing of public confidence, which could see the return of an unrepentant Coalition, which would only deliver more wasted years.

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Maybe the PM staff and Bowen staff can’t work with each other. There for need of Two (2) Jets!

HiddenDragon9:46 pm 01 Apr 24

If there is a sense of crisis gripping the Albanese government over an unwelcome High Court decision, they do have a crisis, but it’s not about immigration – the real crisis is the resultant continued distraction from the main game (which started with the Voice fiasco).

The economic planets are aligning for a repeat of something which the current elected and unelected governing class will only have read about, heard about from elders, or at worst, experienced as kids – i.e. a return to the stagflation of the 1970s compounded by a repeat of the terms of trade crash which followed closely on its heels.

The Albanese government seems to be oblivious to or in denial about this (how else could they responsibly be doing so much to feed a sense of righteous entitlement in middle Australia?) or so consumed with their own hubris and “this time it’s different” (because we’re in charge) conceit that they think they can sail through unscathed.

On the latter point they could be correct, in the sense that, as things stand, they will likely scrape through the next election with a similar result to last time, or as a minority government, but the resultant second term could well be a poisoned chalice, with many unwelcome pigeons likely to come home to roost in the latter 2020s – with Labor, once again, branded as the party of economic failure.

Two RAAF jets to fly the PM and Bowen to the same event – spruiking climate change initiatives – making better clowns than those in a circus. Well done

Yes – I was somewhat surprised to see that report, Fp.

Until I found it it wasn’t the usual RAAF 737, but rather two of the smaller Dassault Falcons. The air force recommended them, as the most efficient way of getting the three ministers, staff and security detail (PM) to the Liddell power station (the site of the announcement) was to go to Scone airport. The runway at Scone wasn’t strong enough to take the large jet, so the air force recommended and took the decision for the two smaller jets.

As Bowen said,in explaining the decision, “we don’t usually comment on the RAAF jets but in this case it’s a fair question so we will”.

Capital Retro12:13 pm 02 Apr 24

That event at Liddell was the announcement that the virtue signaling LabGreen would be giving away another billion dollars to fund construction of a solar panel manufacturing plant, at the now de-commissioned coal thermal electricity generation plant.

I heard Green Senator Shoebridge tell a commentator that the Liddell site was well chosen as it is already connected to the grid and this would facilitate the distribution of solar electricity generated there. Hello? The purpose of the site is to be for manufacturing, not generating.

Re the two aircraft, they were using the airstrip at Scone which only has a length of 1404M and this would probably be too short for safe operation of a single fully loaded Falcon jet.

@Capital Retro
“… the airstrip at Scone which only has a length of 1404M and this would probably be too short for safe operation of a single fully loaded Falcon jet.”
You’ll have to forgive me, CR, but I think I’ll take the expert opinion of the operators of the Dassault Falcon jets (i.e. the RAAF) over you.

Stephen Ellis2:05 pm 01 Apr 24

Typical to blame the media. If the ABC and/or The Guardian were to hold Labor to account in the way that they pounce on anything from a Coalition Government, we’d have a better debate all around. As it is, we generally have to rely on News Corp for any alternative view regarding the socialist path Labor is taking us down. News Corp also seems to give plenty of airtime to the left, so it’s not all one-sided as the author would have you believe.

I’d like to see Mr Bushnell challenge Labor on the raft of legislation being drafted secretly, with closed door meetings and participants only getting to view parts of the proposed legislation and being forced to sign Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreements before they can even see that much. This is not how our democracy is supposed to work and both the media and our Senate should be making sure that Labor’s dodgy legislation drafting process is not allowed to continue.

Thought this was an April Fools joke for a second.

Labor stuffs up, again, so Labor supporters cry and try to point the finger at News Corp, again.

Stephen Saunders7:57 am 01 Apr 24

Same flawed line as Abul Rizvi – it is Dutton’s fault, it is Murdoch’s fault.

Facts are, Albanese-Chalmers have pushed net migration roughly 70-75% higher than Rudd-Swann ever dared, and lied about it repeatedly. It’s a policy problem, Ian, not a communication problem. Hullo, it’s giving Albanese terrible polls.

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