How well do you know one of Canberra’s most loved buildings? Photo: File.
Hopefully you are feeling relaxed and refreshed after a well-earned Christmas and New Year’s break. Now’s the time to flex your brain with the first Ken Behrens Quiz of 2022.
Challenge your friends and family – warning this article has now been updated with the answers at the bottom. Don’t peek!.
- What did Ross Arnott name the Tim Tam after? A cat, a car, or a horse?
- Which famous Canberra venue is reopening this month at Baileys Arcade, 143 London Ct, Civic, the old home of Hog’s Breath Cafe?
- This Saturday is Elvis Presley’s birthday. What was the name of Elvis Presley’s first film?
- Half of Questacon’s construction costs were funded as a gift to Australia by which country?
- In which sport would you find Flamingo, Side Fishtail, and Ballet Leg?
- On which road would you find Pooh Bear’s Corner?
- How many of the world’s 25 deadliest snakes can be found in Australia?
- Which racer holds the record for the most Grand Prix wins?
- What was the only animal Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter, was uncomfortable with?
- Who officially gave Canberra its name during a ceremony on Capital Hill at midday on March 12, 1913?
- In which movie would you find Mr Cool on keys, Posh Spice on bass, Freddie Jones on Drums, “Zack-Attack” on guitar, and Blondie, Brace Face, and Turkey Sub on vocals?
Do you know how many islands are on Lake Burley Griffin? Photo: Michelle Kroll.
- How many islands are located within Lake Burley Griffin?
- What cocktail would you get if you mixed vodka, kahlua and the nickname of the Canberra Raiders?
- Which of Dr Suess’ most famous books was written thanks to a dare to write a book in 50 words or less?
- What was unique about David Tench, a TV host of the short-lived television talk show David Tench Tonight on Network Ten?
- What spider kills its mate after mating?
- Which is the closest destination to drive to Canberra from, Adelaide or the Gold Coast?
- The name of which water lily is also a yoga position?
- Which retired athlete’s autobiography is entitled “Faster than lightning”?
- What did Aldous Huxley, JFK and C.S. Lewis have in common?
- A horse
- Transit Bar
- Love Me Tender
- Japan
- Synchronized swimming
- Kings Highway
- 21
- Michael Schumacher
- Parrots
- Lady Denman
- School of Rock
- Six
- White Russian
- Green Eggs and Ham
- He was animated
- Black Widow Spider
- Gold Coast
- Lotus
- Usain Bolt
- All died on November 22, 1963