The Liberals’ Steve Dozspot has gone in to bat for teachers who are too lazy and stupid to correctly record absences.
He’s very upset that Education Minister Andrew Barr isn’t giving kisses and cuddles to all concerned.
Being a Dozspot release though it’s rather hard to figure out what he’s actually talking about.
ACT Education Minister Andrew Barr needs to talk to the AEU and sort out the stoush he has created over teacher absence reporting before it accelerates and impacts on teachers’ effectiveness in the classroom, Shadow Education Minister Steve Doszpot, said today.
In tabling a petition in the ACT Legislative Assembly yesterday from teachers upset with the new arrangements, Mr Doszpot said the Minister had resorted to yet another knee jerk response.
“In doing so, he has set out to penalise the whole profession over the transgressions of a few,” Mr Doszpot said. “His response was anything but conciliatory, if fact arrogant when he said if teachers had concerns that was just ‘tough luck’.
“There is no denying that sound management requires transparency in administrative processes, but an arrogant approach is not the way to go about delivering it.
“The Department has known for years that some teachers in some schools have not been following correct procedure and despite penalties being available within the agreement to those who do not follow correct procedure, the Minister chose not to apply them.
”Instead he has taken an approach that will burden the whole profession.
“Minister Barr’s solution – to penalise all teachers by demanding regular fortnightly records and increasing their workload to provide it is not the way to garner support.