Some 40 Actew customers remained without power last night after Friday afternoon’s storm, but ACT State Emergency Services units expected to complete the last of 950 storm-related callouts by 8pm yesterday.
Trees and power lines were blown over across the city on Friday afternoon leaving 16,000 homes without power. Gusts reached 69km/h.
Fallen trees struck cars, homes, the lawns of Parliament House and a tent at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, but no one was seriously injured as a result of the storm.
Telopea Park in Barton lost three of its poplars, leaving a gap in the long, straight row of poplars where two of the trees stood.

A couple in Forrest were shocked when a huge tree in their neighbours’ garden toppled across their driveway and entire front yard, sending the kitchen into darkness, but relieved the house was intact.

ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) volunteer units worked in collaboration with the ACT Emergency Services Agency, ACT Ambulance Service, ACT Fire & Rescue, ACT Rural Fire Service, the National Capital Authority, Access Canberra, ActewAGL, and Transport Canberra and City Services.
“The ACTSES would also to thank the public for their patience this weekend while crews responded to the jobs,” an SES spokesman said yesterday.
Actew said last night that remaining post-storm work was focused on repairing service cables at individual premises.
“If you do not have power and houses around you do, please call us on 13 10 93 as it may be a local fault at your property,” they said in statement.
“We appreciate our customer’s ongoing patience and understanding as the significant clean up job continues from Friday’s wind storm.”
For storm damage assistance call the ACTSES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies please call Emergency Triple Zero (000).