Katy Gallagher’s office has put out a very strange embargoed media release HERE urging young people to register with the AEC so that they can vote when the Federal election is actually called.
What makes it strange is that (a) the relevant Federal legislation changing registration details actually changed back in December and there was no announcement by the Minister responsible then, (b) it calls for registration of a Federal election – nothing to do with what she is actually responsible for (typical) and (c) for some strange reason the media release was marked embargoed “EMBARGOED TO SUNDAY 7TH JANUARY, 2006” which seems a bit odd given there seems to be no time critical material in the release itself.
One can only suspect this is a ploy by the Minister to ensure that she gets coverage in the media tomorrow (pre-empting a slow news day) or more likely something nasty (another stuff up in one of her portfolio responsibilities) is about to hit the streets and she wants to deflect attention.