The cost of travel: Bus fares to increase from 20 January.
Taking the bus will be more expensive from Saturday, 20 January, when fares increase by up to 2.6 per cent, with cash fares going up between 10 and 20 cents.
Transport Canberra said the fare increase was consistent with increases in the previous two years, and would help offset the cost of significant public transport improvements under way in Canberra, as well as increased operational costs.
A single trip with free 90-minute transfer will now cost adults $4.90, up from $4.80, with a daily ticket $9.40, up from $9.20. Concession card holders and students will pay $2.40 and $4.70, up from $4.60.
MyWay adult card holders will pay $3.14 for a peak single trip, up from $3.06, and $2.49 off-peak, up from $2.43, with a weekday cap of $9.40 and weekend/public holiday cap of $5.73. If you fail to tap off it will cost $1.76.
For concession card holders and students with MyWay cards a peak single trip will cost $1.57, up from $1.53, with off-peak single trips remaining free. The weekday cap will be $4.70, with a weekend/public holiday cap of $2.12. Failing to tap off will cost $0.83.
School student MyWay card holders will now pay $1.19 for a single trip on a school day, up from $1.16, and $1.57 on weekends and holidays up from $1.53, with a weekday cap of $4.70 and weekend/public holiday cap of $2.12. Failing to tap off will cost $0.83.
For tertiary students with MyWay cards, a single trip on a school and non-school days will now cost $1.57, up from $1.53, with caps of $4.70 and $2.12. Failing to tap off will cost $0.83.
Transport Canberra said free off-peak travel for seniors and concession card holders using MyWay cards would continue until further notice, as it evaluates the first 12 months of this scheme.
The new fares remain competitive with the cost of parking in Civic, at between $11.30 and $16.70 a day, and in the Parliamentary Triangle where workers pay $12 a day.