There’s a lot of things the Ministers of the Stanhope Government aren’t very good at. Things like warning of impending danger, keeping their phones on when they’re the acting emergency services minister, staying out of mental institutions, running hospitals, urban planning, building roads, protecting children, taking responsibility, balancing budgets, and keeping schools open. [Whoops! Forgot not getting caught DUI!]
On the other hand they are very good at annoying John Howard’s Commonwealth Government. In Canberra that’s probably enough.
The ABC reports that the Federal Attorney-General Phillip Ruddock, has announced he’s still not happy with our civil unions legislation. So we can expect another exchange of bitter words and Our Brave Leader standing up for the oppressed minority before the inevitable exercise of federal power crushes the legislation, and with it the hopes and dreams of hundreds of couples.
Did our government consider producing an exposure draft of the legislation and sending a copy to the big house for comment? The sort of thing that adult legislators might do?
Assuming they actually wanted to get something done rather than grandstanding on the issue?
Does the gay and lesbian community like being cynically used as a football when a real outcome could be achieved?