Yesterday it was exciting to see Australia had not in fact gone mad and that angry convoys demanding an end to consitutional democracy have not yet reached a point where normal Australians are willing to join them.
That ~20 people were bravely willing to get up early on Monday morning, on short notice, to ride into town from the Dickson Motor Registry in opposition to the convoy, thinking they’d be dicing with thousands of big rigs, blew me away.
The absence of big rigs was even more surprising after the convoy organisers had promised “the biggest people protest of all time”.
As we reported last week the whole convoy fiasco was the work of a small group of deeply dishonest people.
The saddest thing is that small numbers of decent and much put upon people believed the lies and signed up for this failed crusade.
But (at the risk of invoking Godwin’s law) Hitler looked pretty silly in 1923 after the Beer Hall Putsch (seriously go have a read of that the similarity of tone will startle you).
So we’re going to make sure everyone is clear about the blatant lies being told to people who weren’t actually here.
The biggest untruth of all is Alan Jones in the video above (around 1:50).
Remember this.
Here’s a broadcaster that many people take seriously, that 2CC in Canberra re-broadcasts, inventing a “Lost Convoy” to make up for more bicycles turning out to oppose his rally than trucks could be found to support it.
Thousands of trucks stretching kilometres captured by Police.
Pix or it didn’t happen.
We’re supposed to believe that thousands of trucks were stopped and nobody was able to get a picture of the process on their phone? Nothing on Twitter?
We’re supposed to believe they’ve been held incommunicado since?
Perhaps it might be easier to believe that the organisers are liars and that they have very little support?
Another one going around nut central is that the trucks parked on State Circle were ticketed. Our sources tell us it was in fact Sinsations leafletting.
And then there was the online polls of 2CC and the Canberra Times showing that even the people of Canberra were in favour of the convoy.
Oh wait.
Here’s one example of the international climate denial network jumping in to confect the appearance of support.
I’m not enormously keen for the carbon tax, I’m even un-impressed by greenhouse enthusiasts efforts to write the medieval warm period out of the historical record.
But I’m even less impressed by bald faced lies from people with poorly understood motives.
Anthony Albanese’s smirk makes me want to punch him in the face, but this mob were worse (if for nothing else giving Albo reason to smirk).
So remember yesterday and what really took place; because the mythmakers would have you believe it never happened.
Also a few Members of Parliament have been listed on Just Grounds as being in support of yesterday’s failed convoy:
- — George Christensen MP, Federal Member for Dawson
— Craig Kelly, Federal Member for Hughes
Bear in mind, given the Just Grounds serial dishonesty, it could be they made up the messages of support.
Some names from Just Grounds to watch for popping up in future:
- — Cate Stuart,
— Julene Haack,
— Matt Thompson,
— Janet Thompson,
— Anna Hetherington-Grego,
— Mick Pattel,
— Julie Coker-Godson
[Photo by Arr Emm]