The National Capital Authority has sheepishly announced that they’re going to be knocking down some elms and eucalypts along Kings Avenue from tomorrow as part of their much needed program to get rid of the murderous Russell roundabout.
Not only are the NCA promising to replace the 53 trees their knocking down with 106 established elms they’ve already ordered, they’re also making much of their greenish efforts to “recycle” the trees they’re knocking down.
- Over a third of the elms being removed will be used by local woodcraft groups. All remaining trees will be chipped onsite and provided to a local landscape supplier for environmental reuse.’
Weather permitting the trees will be removed over a two week period. The work will be conducted during the day from 7:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
And before the native nuts go off, an extra 104 eucalypts have been planted in Kings Park already.